Sunday, November 28, 2010

paper coffee cups are red again & my mom is buying presents

It is tradition in our extended family that we "turn our Christmas lists in" by the evening of Thanksgiving or we don't get any presents. For me, (since I haven't been home for Thanksgiving since 2005 -until this year!!) that usually means I rack my brain ALL day and send my mom and/or aunts sporadic texts and emails requesting whatever combination of items I need and/or want that will fit into my luggage for the return trip. I like surprises so I try to make my list longer than it has to be. Since I'm too big and too creeped out to sit on the mall Santa's lap, I thought I would post my list here of my reasonable//usual//impossible Christmas wants for the 2010 Season (for my mom's reference and your enjoyment of course).

DISCLAIMER: Now before you go about judging us on our consumerism and touting on in your head about the "reason for the season," etc, :) there are some things you should know about our family: 1.My grandfather LOVED presents and watching us open them, and I think in our own ways we still perform for him each Christmas- getting and giving gifts and posing for photos with all our spoils. 2.We have an elaborate system of gift giving that includes high levels of communication between cousins, aunts & uncles, and the matriarch, grandma- all with aunt jeni keeping the records in her pocket book! I really like when I get to see my family in action, thinking about each other regularly and sharing shopping days and wish lists, learning how individual interests have grown and changed over the year. It's a hyped up version of how close we all are already. 3.There is so much about our Christmas that truly points to the love that exudes from the "reason for the season" and while we are cutting back a little on gifts this year (to adopt an angel family) and I am trying give handmade (mostly) this season- I still really like presents. :)

NOW- on to a few highlights from the list:

The old Stand by calendar

This book (get on amazon, Mom, & save some money)

Some boots to keep me warm AND professional


Pretty accessories for my head

This ENTIRE outfit-


Gift Cards (Lane Bryant//Old Navy//Joann Fabrics//Subway//Starbucks//Hobby Lobby//Books-a-million) you can't go wrong.


Movies & Shows!! Oh my!

Tights and leggings in bright colors!!

Flip UltraHD


And something a little simpler...

Just a few things that I'm interested in this Holiday Season.

INTERACT: What's on YOUR Christmas list this year?

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