Monday, April 23, 2007

garden update

We have some tiny sprouts of spinach, lettuce, kale, collards and swiss chard popping up, and the potatoes were planted last week, but the most impressive is my Teeny Tiny Herb Garden:
In a wide, shallow terra cotta pot, I have English Thyme and cilantro (pictured), as well as container basil, parsley and chives. Such a cute little bundle of green fuzz, I enjoy watching it grow almost as much as I will enjoy eating it!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

sky watching

I have about a twenty minute gap between when my bus arrives at my stop at UW and the time that class starts. On Tuesday, I thought I'd take a quick walk over to take a picture of Mount Rainier from Drumheller Fountain (not exactly an original idea, but hey). To my simultaneous dismay and delight the peak itself was hiding behind these spectacular clouds. We've had some really impressive clouds around here lately -- big puffy ones sharing the sky with wispy flat ones. And when the sun light hits them just right, it's just gorgeous.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

craft fever

For my birthday, KnitMoka took me to visit the La Connor Quilt Museum. What a fantastic place! Three artists were displaying their collections, Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston, who make the craziest, brightest, hilarious and poigniant quilts, and Marianne Burr who is more fiber artitst than quilter, employing innovative techniques to create some of the finest work that KnitMoka or I had ever seen. Just. Lovely.

Of course, a creative type doesn't leave a place like that just itching to get started on two, three, or twelve new craft projects. I am not exaggerating, either. I could hardly think of anything except getting right behind my sewing machine and pushing out some lovely little bit of fabric piecing. Problem is, that sensation has faded significantly by the time you get home and see the dishes still in the sink and the dog hair all over the floor.

But that didn't stop me from going out today (Eric is still is San Diego) to what has been toted as the finest apparel-grade fabric store in Seattle, Nancy's Sewing Basket. After wandering and wandering, and not finding quite what I wanted for a summer dress, I left with a tank top pattern and some fabric. After further consideration, I may redesignate the fabric for another project and find something else for the top.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

the big three oh

To celebrate my birthday, my friends matt, frank and monika took me out on Friday. We ate delicious Indian food and then danced our butts off to The Tall Boys at a place called Connor Byrne....

Matt was apparently very happy that it was my birthday....

And monika doesn't dance so much, but had a good time anyway (I hope!)....

I only wish Eric could have been there, but he was visiting his family in San Diego, which is a good excuse. I sure missed him though.

Monday, April 9, 2007

lent update

Hurrah! I successfully went jeans-free for an entire week (well, monday to saturday, anyway). Friday's weather was so lovely I wore my new spring skirt....

Saturday called us to the dog park and the farm, which called for my trusty hiking pants....

And then, just in time to work in our garden -- jeans on sunday!
One thing I am most certainly glad of is the fact that I can now stop taking pictures of my legs!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

late for lent

It looks like I should have done my homework before observing Lent. I thought it was just the week before Easter, but is in fact, a 40-day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Eve. In retrospect, I think I knew that, because it also starts right after Mardi Gras. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again next year. As for now, my truncated version of Lent has gone pretty well. Here's my skirt from yesterday and today's slacks outfit.

The weather is supposed to get up to a whopping 70 degrees tomorrow (seriously, the whole city is abuzz with this information: what war? which viaduct? mariners who? IT'S GONNA BE SEVENTY DEGREES ON FRIDAY!). I hope so, because my new spring skirt is screaming to be let outside....

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Despite Eric's repeated reminders that I am not Catholic, I have decided to give up jeans for Lent. 12 hours into my decision (which I made yesterday morning, already having dressed for work in a skirt, pictured*), I was in crisis. I had to go work in the yard -- what else could I possibly wear?!? Pajama bottoms? A dress? Does a denim skirt count as jeans? This was going to be harder than I thought (and I was already prepared for some hardship). And the weather certainly isn't helping! It's forecast to be in the 50s all week, with rain on and off. I finally settled for a linen dress with long underwear.

I will try to keep my faithful readers updated with my success (or lack thereof). Today I opted for khakis -- maybe a cop out, but I have to go straight from work to school and it's 40 degrees outside!

* I can't tell you how long it's been since I've dressed up and spun in circles in front of a mirror!