Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Despite Eric's repeated reminders that I am not Catholic, I have decided to give up jeans for Lent. 12 hours into my decision (which I made yesterday morning, already having dressed for work in a skirt, pictured*), I was in crisis. I had to go work in the yard -- what else could I possibly wear?!? Pajama bottoms? A dress? Does a denim skirt count as jeans? This was going to be harder than I thought (and I was already prepared for some hardship). And the weather certainly isn't helping! It's forecast to be in the 50s all week, with rain on and off. I finally settled for a linen dress with long underwear.

I will try to keep my faithful readers updated with my success (or lack thereof). Today I opted for khakis -- maybe a cop out, but I have to go straight from work to school and it's 40 degrees outside!

* I can't tell you how long it's been since I've dressed up and spun in circles in front of a mirror!

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