Saturday, October 30, 2010

CDJ 350

  • Função de demonstração de batida – Ilustra visualmente a posição de cada batida, assim teoricamente vai ficar mais facil de coordenar visualmente scratchs e loops;
  • Função de loop automática – Com apenas um botão vai ser possível criar loops, dividi-los em pedaços menores e memoriza-los;
  • Função para criação de playlist – Enquanto uma música está tocando, você pode adicionar ela em um playlist de músicas favoritas;
  • Compativel com softwares de DJs – O CDJ-350 pode ser usado como controladora MIDI e placa de som;
  • Travamento automático de BPM – O DJ pode escolher um BPM master, que sincroniza automaticamente com outro CDJ com a mesma função habilitada.

Ao invés de demonstrar o BPM em uma escala de 1 BPM por vez (exemplo 127, 128, 129), ele demosntra o BPM absoluto. Isso significa que se você visualmente colocar uma música no CDJ 1 tocando no BPM 127,3 e o mesmo BPM no CDJ 2, assim elas vão estar perfeitamente sincronizados sem nem precisar colocar os headphones.

Com isso a barreira inicial que existia, de exigir um treino maior dos DJs para desenvolver o ouvido acabou. Qualquer pessoa vai poder mixar apenas com os olhos.

Mas o que isso significa?

Se atualmente nos temos uma invasão de DJs apresentadores de Tv, metaleiros, modelos e outras personalidades, agora prepare-se pois vamos ver uma enxurrada de novos “DJs”, pois não vai mais existir barreira alguma, e qualquer um vai aprender a tocar em minutos.

Você pode afirmar que bom gosto, psicologia de pista e rede de contatos ainda vão ser o seu diferencial, mas quem vai conseguir competir com os famosos?

Perspectives From Persons #3: Brendan Thaler

Hello ladies. Meet my hubby Brendan Thaler. He has an awesome blog :) I don't think he posts often enough, but I still think you should click here to check it out! In this post, he has a thing or two to say about natural hair... Listen up!

1. Why do you think more black apostolics should go natural and take better care of their hair?
It is pretty simple as far as I am considered as to why black apostolic women should go natural which in turn means taking better care of their hair. For obvious reasons pertaining to the health of a black woman's hair, by going natural it is easier to obey 1 Corinthians 11. However, I would like to put the "Hair" chapter aside, and look at another passage:
[9] In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; [10] But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. - (1Ti 2:9-10 KJV)
I want to first say there is nothing modest about different colored hair. Hair that is a reflection of this present culture and age, also is not professing godliness. The God we serve is both the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Therefore, the trends that change on a regular basis do not profess holiness. Also, that broided hair that the Apostle Paul is speaking of is very similar to those hideous multi colored braids that the hip hop girls seem to love in their hair. Considering we are called out from this world and commanded to be seperate, we ought to take great consideration in our appearance. We are created in His likeness and in His image, we ought to be very careful with our appearance, considering we are ambassadors of the Holy One. We don't not believe a religion that is spoken, taught, preached, and not lived, but our greatest witness is our lifestyle. That is that the gospel of Jesus Christ actually works. We called out of darkness into His marvelous light, we repented, our sins were buried in baptism, and we are resurrected and walking in the "newness" of life. With all that being said, it is no secret that our women are walking and living testimonies and witnesses of the Lord. The modest dress, the long hair, the lack of jewelry, and all that goes along with holiness, is completely contrary to our society and culture. I have seen conviction fall on sinner women time and time again when in the presence of a woman who has taken on the Holiness of God.

Back to the question, God loves His creation. All creativity is derived from God. Therefore, the creation is pleasing unto the Creator without any embellishing. We need not add or change what God has created. Black women naturally have what many women spend buckets full of money on, naturally curly hair. Everyone at one time or another wants what they don't have, but the pure essence of self esteem is to be happy with what God has given you. So why change what God has found so beautiful?

2. When you see one of us rocking natural hair, what do you think about it?

To go against what is "popular" or "normal" takes confidence, and confidence is attractive to everyone. Men and women alike are attracted to confidence.

3. If you could give a word of encouragement to all of the sisters who are natural, going natural and considering it, what would it be?

Your hair ain't broke so don't fix it! Black hair is just different than white, Hispanic, or Asian hair. Rock what ya got! Men love confidence, and there is a reason that people who are individualistic. Love who God made you and become who He called you to be. By the way weaves and fake hair stinks, and I mean that in a literal sense, they really smell bad! Funky smells are appealing to no body that I know so just stay away from them.

Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair :)

Hair Testimony #2: Chelsyea

Hello there everyone! Meet Chelsyea :) We met by way of email and she was very interested in natural hair. She told me, "I just wanted to say thanks for taking a stand and helping others within the black apostolic community to treat and do styles with our hair. A lot of us aren't taken care of hair and it's not growing and it's falling out and we put weave in it to cover it up instead of taking care of our hair." Check out her testimony. Click here to read Chelsyea's personal testimony.

1. When did you make the decision to go natural and why?

This is a clip from the email that I sent Sis. Kendra after I decided to go natural:

Oct 2, 2010; 11:38 pm

"Thanks so much!!! As an update: I've spent some time in prayer and I've been impressed by the Holy Spirit to go back to the natural state. When you said that my hair won't be as strong as it will be struck me. Yes, since the last time we spoke (specifically yesterday. Isn't God something else?). It's not only spiritual but also I'm doing it to be an example to the younger ladies in my assembly that black is beautiful because there is a negative connotation with natural hair within the African American community and even outside stemming from slavery days. It's time to be radical and God has chosen me to make a difference.
You would be surprised to know that many of our people associate natural hair with ugly and "bad hair". I say this not only from experience but from reading books and also from an episode on Tyra Banks that I viewed one day about black hair. Tyra asked a young black woman (~in 20's) with relaxed hair when she see's natural hair, what she thinks and the young lady responded, "monkey". Also, I just read on a website that some are being fired from their jobs because of wearing braids or twists, which is ABSURD!!! It makes me very angry to hear this negative things that the world is associating with our hair. Even myself, when someone suggested speaking to me about natural hair, I would say to them, "Yeah. It's good for you since you have good hair, but if I go back, I will look like kunta kente.".
Sis, again I want to thank you for beginning this ministry because that's what it is. You're helping many african americans whether saved or UNSAVED to get back to the natural order and help us treat our glory that God has given us. And you're also helping us to appreciate the BEAUTIFUL locks that God has given to us. Thanks for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way!"

2. What has been the most difficult part of wearing natural hair?

It's been only 1 mo. and ~3 wks that my hair hasn't been relaxed and since there's new growth, it's kind of hard with combing that or trying to style my hair. The maintenance of my hair can be challenging. It's A LOT of work. I've actually gotten frustrated, but as the song says, "I'm pressing on the upward way, new heights I'm gaining everyday...". I really enjoy trying the natural products in my hair and seeing what works best and sharing my experience with my other church sisters. Aside from maintenance, it's hard for some close to me to accept at first, but they're getting with it and being more supportive!!! Thank God (prayed about it).

3. When someone says your hair is your glory, what does that mean to you?

When someone says, "Your hair is your glory", to me that means that I glorify God with my hair. My hair shows the glory of God. And because of the glory that God has given me, I have power when I pray. Things happen because of the blessings of the glory of God. I have special benefits because of my hair. The devil has to flee when he looks at me because of God's glory. There's a radiance of God when people look at me because of my hair. I have "favor with God and with man" (Proverbs 3:4) because of the glory of God. Wow. God is awesome! My hair is a protectant against evil since it's my glory. God is awesome!

4. With all the hype in the natural world about the big chop, and constant/routine trimming, how do you handle not partaking in these things?

I handle it by reminding myself of who I am and whose I am. I am a child of King Jesus and He has given me a mandate that I should not cut my hair. There is a temptation and others in christendom may be doing it, but I have purposed in my heart like Daniel to "not take portion of the kings meat"...(the things of the world). I have decided to follow Jesus and there is no turning. I want to be in the will of God. That's all that matters.

5. What is your daily hair regimen? Anything special?
For right now, I don't have a specific daily regimen since I'm experimenting with different things to see what my hair likes and dislikes. I make sure my hair is moisturized with some sort of oil everyday.

6. What style do you love to wear the most?

I absolutely love my updo's (all I did when hair was relaxed), but since I'm trying different things very recently (like last week :)), I really like to wear flat twists in my hair as an alternative hair protecting hairstyle.

7. How has this decision to have happy, healthy and long hair changed your life?

It's completely changed my life. I'm trying different things and I feel great. Spiritually, I want to pray and fast more. I feel more free for some reason. I have learned soo much through the internet by looking up what works and doesn't work and Sis. Kendra's blog has been such a blessing! Last night, I did a blend of avocado, tea tree oil, olive oil, shea butter oil, and aloe vera gel (right from the aloe vera plant), which was inspired by Sis. Kendra's blog (Personal thanks to Sis. Kendra for her Apostolic Black Hair Blog Ministry. Your labor is not in vain)! It's very relieving to know that you're in the will of God more than before. I can hear Him clearly. I have been blessed with a job because of my obedience to going natural, which I haven't had for a long time. Once, you yield yourself to God in yielding your "members to righteousness", and by submitting all on the altar of sacrifice, God will back you up! He will bless you in ways unthinkable because of your obedience. It may not be easy and may not make sense, but God is looking for some real people, true worshipers. He is preparing His bride for His coming and it will be a GLORIOUS church that doesn't have spot or wrinkle.

8. If you were to give a word of encouragement to another sister, what would you say?

To my sister in Christ, I'd like to say as Samuel said to King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:22-23, "To OBEY is better than sacrifice...For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry". God told Saul to "utterly destroy" EVERYTHING that was of the Amalekites (the people and their things), but he decided to disobey and didn't destroy King Agag, "the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good" (1 Sam. 15:9). But you may say, "Well, the things were good and the "best"", but my question to you is: "What did God say?". Sometimes, we look things that God has told us to stay away from, to UTTERLY destroy out of our lives and we call them and we say, that it's "good" when God sees that it's a hindrance in our lives that needs to be eradicated. But what did God say? We look at the world and think the "grass is greener on the other side", when God has called us out of the world (which is darkness) to Him (who is light) to a place of separation from the things of the world. Sometimes, we look at others even within the church and say, "Well, they're doing it. so why can't I?" But, What did God say to YOU? As a result of Saul's disobedience, the Jews were almost utterly destroyed by Haman (an Amalekite) in the book of Esther. We do ourselves an injustice when we disobey the Lord. He has so much in store for us. In Deuteronomy 28, he has so many blessings for us IF WE OBEY (keep His commandments), but in the same chapter, God tells us that if we DISOBEY (not keep his commandments), we are cursed. God loves you and wants to use you in ways that your finite mind cannot comprehend. He has great things in store for, but will you decide to keep His commandments and LIVE free in Him or disobey and DIE. We have two paths before us, LIFE and DEATH. Please choose LIFE. In God, there is life and freedom. Let us be able to say that "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Serve Him with no strings attached to this world. God is calling you to a place of consecration. He is calling you to return to the original and perfect state of your natural hair; To love yourself as He created YOU!!! The world, the devil doesn't want us to know who we are. 1 Peter 2:9 says, we "are a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people..".We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your natural hair is beautiful. People within our own community thinks that our natural state is monkey looking. Yes. Monkey looking. Can you believe that??? We've allowed society to dictate to us what is beautiful and what isn't. Unfortunately, a lot of us are still in an enslaved mentality. We are beautiful! You are beautiful. Yes, your hair needs extra care, but it's worth it. To reiterate, "To obey is better than sacrifice". I'd also like to suggest two books that helped change my thinking and appreciate my black, beautiful, and glorious hair: "Her Ebony Glory" by Juli Jasinski and "Hair Story : Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America" by Ayana Byrd (Author), Lori Tharps". God bless you and love you, love you, love you my sister!

9. How has this blog helped you in your personal hair journey?

Well, the blog has been a blessing as was stated before. I'd like to say thank you again to Sis. Kendra. Kudos to you! Where do I start? I first came across this blog one day when I was doing a google search about apostolic black hairstyles and Sis. Kendra's site was one of the sites listed. I knew that there were beautiful Apostolic hairstyles for the caucasian sisters, but I wanted to know if a black Apostolic sister had hairstyles as well as ways to treat the hair (I had already started my obedience journey by not clipping my ends). Being a "curious George", I clicked on the link and I was so impressed. She promoted lovely black hair and cute hairstyles, which was so great. It was very uplifting and impressive to see a positive veiwpoint of black, natural hair. Of course, most of the hairstyles was with natural, fluffy hair, but I still wanted to try them with my relaxed hair. I emailed her and thought she wouldn't reply back, but she did! Thank God. So I told my other church sisters and others about it and we've been using it as a reference ever since. We've had such a great virtual relationship. I continue 'til this day to email her, keeping her up-to-date with my natural hair efforts and she ALWAYS replies. She says on one of her youtube videos and on the blog that she's here for us and I have to say that she has not gone back on her word. Sisters, she's REALLY here for you. Can't wait to meet her one day. This blog has been hair-changing (LOL) to create a metamorphic life change. There are many cool ethnic hairstyles for us. Yes, I LOVE the pentecostal updo's, but our ethnic hairstyles are cool too. I have NEVER and when I say never, I mean NEVER flat twisted my hair. I didn't know how to neither wanted to know how to, but because of the cute and hair protective styles that Sis. Kendra showed on the site, I had to try it out (see video on youtube on how to flat twist). I never knew how to cornrow my hair too. You may say, "You're black and didn't know how to cornrow?" Yes girl. This black chica didn't know how to cornrow and I'm not afraid to say it. I didn't care to know how to cornrow especially if my hair was relaxed or I could pay someone to do it for me. To me, braids weren't too cute. I wasn't a braid person. I did have braids in my hair, but I would get the goddess hairstyle, which isn't braidy (so not a word) like micro braids. To me, braids and natural hair wasn't sophisticated as how relaxed hair looked. Yes, I had an wharped, enslaved, and worldly mentality, but as a result of seeking the Lord and the blog, my mindset has been changed. I haven't talked so much about hair before. Really. I haven't, but I'm always talking about hair to someone now. It's fun! Because of Sis. Kendra's fun facts on the site, I've researched a lot of the internet to make sure she wasn't just making it up. I had to be sure it wasn't like a random experiment (Yes. I was skeptical) so I did a search online about dry scalp since that's what I had (claiming it in Jesus name because I'm now using Hollywood Beauty's tea tree oil in my hair and it's supposed to work) and all the natural remedies she lists on the blog was really true! LOL. Sis. Kendra is right. The natural stuff is the BEST!!! The natural stuff is the best for our hair as well as the things we ingest. This blog, as stated before, was one of the reasons that molded my decision to return to my former state of my natural beauty. Overall, this blog has helped me to appreciate and be proud of the glory that God has given to me. I've never been so excited in my life. I've put so much action to what I've said in terms of trying out the things suggested on the blog. I can't say how much it's been a tremendous blessing to me and others that I have told. It will be a blessing to you. Pass the word along...


Emo Boys

Fashion Tips for Busy Mom: Look Your Best!

Stray Away From Suits

Depending on your career, there is a good chance that you may need to wear a pants or skirt suit from time to time. However, you also probably do not need to wear these outfits all the time. Not only are they expensive, but they also will need to be dry-cleaned. Consider investing in a few basic skirts and dressy pants that can be worn in combination with other pieces of clothing. This will provide you with more options on a day to day basis.

Don't Forget About the Basics

Including basic pieces of clothing in your wardrobe is very important. Every working mom will find a use for a white tank top or a black t-shirt. The good thing about basic pieces of clothing is that they generally will allow you to mix and match your clothing styles. For example, a red tank top can be worn underneath a blazer or by itself and in combination with a skirt.

Consider Purchasing a Dress or Two

You will want to consider purchasing a dress or two. Not only are dresses great to wear during the warmer times of the year, but it will also provide you with options. A very basic dress can be worn by itself or with a cardigan. You will be able to wear it to work, but you can also probably find other occasions to wear it for, such as family events or school functions.

Consider Adding Some Jewelry

Jewelry can turn almost any basic outfit into a more interesting one. In order to look stylish, you will want to consider adding a few basic pieces of jewelry to your wardrobe. Consider adding some bangle bracelets, cocktail rings and a basic pendant, such as a heart. Keep in mind that wearing very dangly jewelry around young children may not be the best idea, as they have a tendency to grab things that may amuse them.

Emo Boys

Fashion Tips for Busy Mom: Look Your Best!

Stray Away From Suits

Depending on your career, there is a good chance that you may need to wear a pants or skirt suit from time to time. However, you also probably do not need to wear these outfits all the time. Not only are they expensive, but they also will need to be dry-cleaned. Consider investing in a few basic skirts and dressy pants that can be worn in combination with other pieces of clothing. This will provide you with more options on a day to day basis.

Don't Forget About the Basics

Including basic pieces of clothing in your wardrobe is very important. Every working mom will find a use for a white tank top or a black t-shirt. The good thing about basic pieces of clothing is that they generally will allow you to mix and match your clothing styles. For example, a red tank top can be worn underneath a blazer or by itself and in combination with a skirt.

Consider Purchasing a Dress or Two

You will want to consider purchasing a dress or two. Not only are dresses great to wear during the warmer times of the year, but it will also provide you with options. A very basic dress can be worn by itself or with a cardigan. You will be able to wear it to work, but you can also probably find other occasions to wear it for, such as family events or school functions.

Consider Adding Some Jewelry

Jewelry can turn almost any basic outfit into a more interesting one. In order to look stylish, you will want to consider adding a few basic pieces of jewelry to your wardrobe. Consider adding some bangle bracelets, cocktail rings and a basic pendant, such as a heart. Keep in mind that wearing very dangly jewelry around young children may not be the best idea, as they have a tendency to grab things that may amuse them.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Twist/Twist-out Faux-hawk

Last weekend I went out with the girls and I wanted to wear a fun & funky style that would last. I posted a few days ago that I wanted to try out some "Goapele braids" and that weekend seemed to be the best time to do it so I gave it a try. 

I didn't do super small cornrows because I didn't have much time so I would like to try this look again with some itty bitty cornrows. The style was actually pretty easy to accomplish once I got my hair parted into the major sections. 

Here's my interpretation:

Pinned Twists
Twists released

There is also a YouTube tutorial to go along with this style: 2-N-1 Faux-hawk

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Marcao Rezende - Hey Yahhh (Original Mix)

What is emo

Emo is a genre of music that originated from hardcore punk and later adopted pop punk influences when it became mainstream in the United States.

It has since come to describe several variations of music with common roots and associated fashion and stereotypes.

In the mid-1980s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which stemmed from the Washington, D.C. hardcore scene. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore",was also used to describe the emotional performances of bands in the Washington, D.C. "Revolution Summer" movement and some of the offshoot regional scenes such as Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and later, Moss Icon.

In the mid-1990s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. Bands including Sunny Day Real Estate, Far and Texas Is the Reason had a more indie rock style of emo, more melodic and less chaotic. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 1990s, when many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style.

Today popular bands like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco,and Paramore are rock bands that are identified as being in or evolved from the emo music genre.

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Pouplar Fashion Accessories

1. Headband(s)

Every woman needs at least one headband, but owning more than one is preferable. There are so many different colors, designs, textures and widths available for you to choose from. They can be worn with long or short hair in almost any single hairstyle.

2. Bangle Bracelets

Bangle bracelets are one fashion trend that seems to have remained the past few years. Whether you choose bangles made from wood, plastic or just about any other material, it is likely that they will look great with almost any outfit.

3. Cocktail Rings

Cocktail rings come in all different shapes and sizes. Generally, they are priced fairly reasonable, depending on where you purchase them, which is why you may want to consider buying more than one. They can be worn both casually and formally.

4. Boots With Fur

Whether you decide to purchase an expensive pair, such as Uggs, or you buy a cheaper variation, you will want to consider investing in a pair of boots with fur trim. Not only are they very worn, but they are also versatile. In the winter, they can be worn with jeans or sweats and in the summer, they can be worn with a skirt. There are also many different heights to choose from.

What is emo

Emo is a genre of music that originated from hardcore punk and later adopted pop punk influences when it became mainstream in the United States.

It has since come to describe several variations of music with common roots and associated fashion and stereotypes.

In the mid-1980s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which stemmed from the Washington, D.C. hardcore scene. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore",was also used to describe the emotional performances of bands in the Washington, D.C. "Revolution Summer" movement and some of the offshoot regional scenes such as Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and later, Moss Icon.

In the mid-1990s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. Bands including Sunny Day Real Estate, Far and Texas Is the Reason had a more indie rock style of emo, more melodic and less chaotic. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 1990s, when many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style.

Today popular bands like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco,and Paramore are rock bands that are identified as being in or evolved from the emo music genre.

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Pouplar Fashion Accessories

1. Headband(s)

Every woman needs at least one headband, but owning more than one is preferable. There are so many different colors, designs, textures and widths available for you to choose from. They can be worn with long or short hair in almost any single hairstyle.

2. Bangle Bracelets

Bangle bracelets are one fashion trend that seems to have remained the past few years. Whether you choose bangles made from wood, plastic or just about any other material, it is likely that they will look great with almost any outfit.

3. Cocktail Rings

Cocktail rings come in all different shapes and sizes. Generally, they are priced fairly reasonable, depending on where you purchase them, which is why you may want to consider buying more than one. They can be worn both casually and formally.

4. Boots With Fur

Whether you decide to purchase an expensive pair, such as Uggs, or you buy a cheaper variation, you will want to consider investing in a pair of boots with fur trim. Not only are they very worn, but they are also versatile. In the winter, they can be worn with jeans or sweats and in the summer, they can be worn with a skirt. There are also many different heights to choose from.

Giveaway!!!! 32 CANDLES by Ernessa T. Carter

Let's end this month with a great giveaway! The winner of this contest will win the book -  32 CANDLES by Ernessa T. Carter. To read more about the book, go to 32 Candles or check out the video below.

For this contest, tell us about how something in your past changed your life forever. And how that event empowered your and if you use that experience to help you make better decisions today?

The winner will be chosen on November 20, 2010 at 10 pm. When the winner is announced, please check back to see if you have won and follow the instructions to have the prized shipped to you.  Thank you in advance for participating.

To learn more about Ernessa, check out the following links:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Begin with the ends in mind: How to keep the ends of your hair strong and healthy

At the start of the year, one of my intentions was to promote thickness to all areas of my hair. Last year around this time, one side of my hair was suffering miserably at the hands of damage. The damage was there long enough to cause sporadic thinning in certain sections. Today, I'm happy to say that overall, my goal of regaining my thickness back has almost been completely realized.

So now I look ahead. Over the past few months I've taken some specific action to address the concerns I've had regarding the health of my scalp, massive tangling, and consistent breakage. All though I'm not completely out of the woods yet, I'm confident that I'll soon get there. Now my focus turns to the place where my attention is needed most, my ends.

You all are well aware of the importance of healthy ends in the fight for retention. Healthy ends are critical for anyone who really is serious about this hair journey thing. Strong, healthy ends has been especially elusive for me as a person who doesn't protective style. Not only are my ends exposed most of the time, what's worse is I've got this horrendous habit of constantly keeping my hands in my hair. Even more horrifying is how I'm constantly manipulating my ends for no reason whatsoever. I cringe when I think about it.

I have a small dog who take out to use the restroom every morning. He's a creature of habit who tends to use the same small area each time he goes. I soon realized that even though he's a lightweight with tiny little paws, his behavior of using the same area day after day is wearing out my lawn. I also noticed that I'm doing the same thing to my ends. Day after day, I casually play with the same parts of my hair. How can I not expect the same type of results my lawn is exhibiting from being trampled by my dog?

Now that I know, I've got to do something about it. That something has to be powerful enough to create visible change months from now. Since I don't intend on hiding my hair 'till summer, I've got to lay some other ground rules that, hopefully will be just as effective. I'll continue to flush out ideas as time passes but I'll share with you what I have so far. When I think about the keys to healthy ends, I reflect back to the wise words of Wanakee which will forever be seared into my brain. Wanakee stressed that hair consistently exposed to air would suffer. She gave us the perfect illustration of the silk on the cob of corn. The silk exposed to the outside was all dried and crinkly while the silk protected under the husk was soft, moisturized and healthy.

I've decided to try to incorporate two of the most effective benefits of protective styling and try to replicate them on hair exposed to the elements. Protective styling gives your hair two key benefits: moisture retention and low manipulation. Those two combined are the bread and butter of healthy thick hair. Let's talk about how I intend on incorporating these two benefits without hiding my hair.

1.) Like I said earlier, my worst habit is my consistent need to manipulate the older (weakest) part of my hair. Since my hair is down a lot, I play with my ends a lot. After some careful consideration, I think I've come up with a solution that protects the very ends of my hair without having to bun.

I think back to the post I did where I interviewed a fabulously-haired stranger and my friend's house. One of the tips she shared with me was that she used flexi-rods on her ends every night. I realize now that every time I "bump" the ends with either flexi-rods or satin covered sponge rollers, I rarely ever play with the ends of my hair for fear of destroying the style. Thus my new method of preserving the thickness of my ends will be to keep my ends protected (from me) by tucking them under with the use of curls. Another thing I try to do when I wear curly styles is create tight curls. That way my hair isn't brushing against my shoulders or back. If this becomes a consistent style for me, my desire to manipulate will shrink drastically.

2.) Another key step to creating full healthy ends will come from my ability to keep them well moisturized/lubricated so they can better respond when I do manipulate them. Years ago, I was going through this phase were every 4 hours, I would re-apply a light oil to the length end ends of my hair. I tell you, it was during those times I would receive the most compliments on how healthy my hair looked. Not only did my hair look great to those on the outside looking in, it felt amazing. So I've decided to re-institute an old habit of carrying around a tiny bottle of filled with my favorite oils so I can retouch consistently throughout the day. Think about how often we have to reapply lotion or lip gloss because of the drying effects to air exposure. I know our hair can also need a little freshening up throughout the day. Why wait till the end of the day to re-moisturize? I prefer to try keeping my moisture levels consistent as much as possible.

I also had another idea. You know how some brands have come out with combs and brushes "infused" with natural oils in the fiber. I actually bought one of those brushes once and was sorely disappointed. I think I even ended up throwing it away after a while. Even though the execution of the idea was lackluster, I still think they were on to something with that idea. A lubricated comb or brush might make a difference in the amount of hair lost during the styling process. That's why I've decided to make a bootleg version of their idea with the use of my best detangling/wide tooth combs and some oil sheen.

Profectiv makes a couple of different oil sheen products. What I like about the ingredients are how natural they are. No mineral oil or silicone. Just ingredients like olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, silk amino acids, avocado oil, castor oil, etc. Although I haven't used spray oil sheen to finish off a style in years, I still find value in these these products as comb lubricators. That's right. I've used my oil sheen to help my comb turn into a true "oil infused" product. Because Profectiv uses real natural oil in their product, the result can sometimes be too heavy for day to day usage. So instead, I'm thinking I use this to spray my combs during my detangling sessions on weekly wash days.

Maintaining Strength

One last thing I have to make sure to do is really protect the length of my hair from over-processing when I touch up. I didn't even think about how relaxer run-off could impact the previously relaxed hair until fairly recently. For the very ends of the hair, this could mean the 10th or 20th time they've come in contact with a relaxer. So it's really important that we coat the hair with natural oils, Porosity Control, vaseline, neutralizing shampoo, or something. The point is not to let them go naked into such a traumatic process. Another cardinal rule of thumb I live by is "never use any electrical heated hair styling tool to create curls." There are just too many alternatives out there for me to use such a harmful styling method for curling.

I'll continue to think of more creative ways of reducing manipulation, promoting moisture, maintaining strength to all of my hair, especially my ends. If I place those key points as a focus. I have complete confidence that my ends will have no choice but to thrive. I'm still looking for other ideas I can incorporate. How do you keep your ends thick and healthy?


Inspiration Photos - Sunday Omony

 Inspiration Photos from Sunday Omony

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chronicles of a Natural Apostolic: Damage and Destruction

I can never express enough regret for the damage and destruction that I put my hair through.

It all really began in high school. Of course before high school my hair had been through chemical damage as I wore a relaxer since the age of 12. I found that I loved to cut and style my hair via lots of heat. I loved wearing braids, twists (both with fake hair) and fake ponytails. I was already infatuated with fashion, trends and looking "unique". I wanted ALL eyes on me. That was my goal. To walk down the hallways and school just to find people staring and even whispering about how gorgeous I was. My thinking was clearly off and absolutely disgusting to God.

So it all began junior year when I dyed my hair for the first time. Red.

Little did I know that once you start dying your hair, it doesn't stop. When I dyed my hair red, I used a dye that contained peroxide and ammonium. Of course I put the dye over my relaxer. Why not? Within about 3 weeks, my hair began to fall out in chunks in the shower.

I thought I was cute.

I thought I was "creative".

My hair was unique.

My hair was flashy.

No one knew it but.....

My hair was falling out and breaking off by the inches.

So, I chopped it all off.

[16 years old, with a buzzed cut in the back, bangs in the front, spiked on top]

After about a year I started to let it grow back. And of course the dying continued. Whatever color it was clearly wasn't cute enough so dyed it all brown..

All the while I continued to cut and trim and straighten and curl...
You weren't likely to see me without my hair "done"
I didn't quite like the brown so I added highlights..

This pic above is right after I dyed my hair..

Notice how dull and dry my hair looks just several weeks later..
Doesn't it make you wanna throw some oil on my hair?! lol

Are you starting to see the damage in the pics yet?? The light highlights grew old to me. And I didn't want it quite so light anymore. So I dyed it brown with cinnamon highlights. Of course, with new dye came a new cut. I was scissor crazy! Notice that my hair never really grows in length.. because I was constantly cutting and trimming it to handle the self imposed damage!!

I got tired of those so I decided to dye the top light and the bottom dark... My hair was so porous at this point that it nearly absorbed this light color within 7 minutes of applying the dye. And within a week, the light part was already breaking off. Notice the breakage in the pic..

Again, no length retention.

Then I decided to add some tracks.. I wanted to have some length... I was tired of my hair being the same length! haha. I honestly couldn't figure out why it wasn't growing ya'll!

Just several weeks later, notice the many broken strands and chunks there are sticking out.
 I was losing more hair than I was "preserving".

Oh and to give my hair a "break" I would just put more fake hair in, and put it into tight braids. But of course normal black or dark brown wasn't suffice. I had to stand out and I had to be seen! So there I went in my blonde braids..

You know, here is another reason why I DO NOT watch television or movies! I don't even OWN a television,I do not have cable, I don't own one single movie, no dvds or anything of the sort. What a terrible image it sets of what defines beauty. It is repulsive. Lets see, the last time I checked 98% of the black women had dyed, colored (generally as light as they could get it without looking too ridiculous) and fake hair! On top of that it is almost always straight and doesn't even look like black hair. My word. Furthermore, women with natural hair were just thrown into the neo-soul, eclectic category. Hmm. What irony... Once in college I got into modeling. I would have you know, unfortunately, this was my favorite picture of myself for years. Light eyes, light skin, and my hair looked blonde.

Nothing was good enough for me! I remember the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada." That was one of my favorite movies because it represented what I wanted to happen to me. Just an ordinary girl turned into a fasionista. I kid you not, every single time I watched this movie I would go to my bathroom and cut my hair, dye my hair or go shopping for new clothes. I did whatever necessary to look and feel like a diva. After all, I was modeling and I was cute! Right?...

I hope by now you are noticing a pattern. I was never satisfied. Never content. Never happy with how I looked. I was always trying to revamp and recreate myself. It went deeper than self-esteem. It went deeper than feeling inadequate with myself. I was depressed. I had self hatred on the inside. It seemed that no matter what I did, I never felt beautiful. Instead I felt empty. And at the end of the day, no matter how many compliments I got, I still felt inadequate. I still cried myself to sleep. I still felt that no one would ever love me for me. It went deeper than my emotional and mental pain. It was a matter of being totally and utterly out of the will of God. For those of you reading this, who may know the exact feeling I am expressing here, I am telling you that you will forever feel incomplete without God.

I remember the day that I met my husband. I even remember what I was wearing. (smile) It was the spring of 2008. I thought I was cute with my weave and jet black hair. But you know what, he didn't compliment me then. He didn't compliment me when my weave was curled. He didn't compliment me in my designer jeans and stilettos. The very first compliment my husband gave me was when I was in an orange and plaid dress, with an orange sweater, my hair in its natural state all pinned up, no make up and my glasses. He told me he loved the way I was dressed and he loved my hair when it was natural.

I was shocked.

Here was a super cute white boy, who was the captain on the track team, the fastest sprinter at the school, mr popularity, who I had an immediate crush on when I saw him- and he liked me NATURAL?!

You better believe it girls. Because when you get right down to it. Men like the real you. All real. If he loves you, he will want the real you.


We began dating June 7 2009. And I will have you know that he HATED how long it took, how plain it looked and how it smelt when I constantly straightened my hair! lol. He was like, why do you have to do that when you can just wear it curly all pinned up? I like that better. So I thought, hmm, it is easier. So I started wearing it that way...

After all, look at the damage I had done to my hair,

Later on he told me he didn't want me cutting my hair. I was like, *record stops* woah hold up wait a sec! I love cutting my hair! haha :) Well he convinced me to stop on account that he liked me natural. You know, the real Kendra. So I stopped cutting my hair. I think I trimmed it two more times and that was it. As more time went on, would you believe that Brendan wanted me to stop wearing make up too?? Now that one took a while... But eventually I did it when I got into truth. God used my honey to help me.

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that your husband loves you for you. He loves your natural curls, frizz, poof and all. He loves your skin, blemishes and all. He loves your beautiful natural nails, nail polish and acrylic free. He knows He has the real you. All of you. Nothing hiding.

Even greater than that, imagine knowing that God loves you for you.

If he didn't make your hair blonde, it was because He thought this masterpiece would look better with black hair.He may have thought, wow, she will be a stunning brunette. Her husband's heart will melt when he see's her for the first time!

If He didn't make your hair straight, it was because He thought curls would suit your face much better.

If He didn't make your hair curly it was probably because He knew He didn't bless you with enough patience :)

If He didn't make your nails pink, candy red or with a perfect french tip, it was because He liked the natural peach and soft pink of your nail beds much better.

If He didn't make your hair short- it was definitely because He gave it the ability to grow. And He called it your glory. And He blessed it to be your covering- your power source. In fact, He gave you the power of angels!

When God formed us, He created masterpieces. For us to alter ourselves would be like taking Mona Lisa and bedazzling it with rhinestones. Sounds funny but its the truth. Would you go into an art museum and destroy the art work? It would be absolutely insulting and disrespectful. Perhaps that is a great way to view ourselves when we alter things.

Am I saying you are committing a sin by wearing make up or nail polish?
Am I saying God gets mad at you when you dye and cut your hair?
Am I saying that God is against cosmetics?

Here is a great way to answer that question. Would the artist be happy with you ruining His masterpiece?

Here is to celebrating happy, healthy and long hair.

Here is to celebrating the masterpiece that God created.

Here is to celebrating the anti-damage, and anti-altering lady :)

Here is to celebrating uncut hair and the glory God gives. The POWER of angels!

Here is to celebrating a revelation of our God given natural beauty!

Here is to celebrating me. Embracing me. THE REAL ME! And encouraging you to do the same!

Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair <3