Tuesday, November 23, 2010

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”-Albert Einstein

I love moving. Not the actual physical act of moving- I hate that. Watching people move your stuff//realizing that I have too. much. crap.//tapping into my control freak tendencies//"oh no, don't..drop..that thing that to you is nothing, but to me is...EVERYTHING" No I do NOT love that.

But I love the way moving make me FEEL things. Sentimental about leaving behind a place and the memories that it contains...Hopeful about the new empty place just waiting to store all. that. crap. and new stories laughs and experiences. Everyday is a great day for a fresh start and moving is a helpful reminder of the ability to make a fresh start and the importance of a clean slate.

The past few weeks I've been moving my office from one side of our suite to the complete opposite side. The office is a bit bigger, and in a more strategic location for purposeful student interaction, so I couldn't turn down the possibility. It's my good friend, CR's old office and I have to admit, it feels a little weird to be moving into her space- but it reminds me of all the laughs we had in there. (miss her!) My friend, Tiff, told me once that "all changes carry with them a grieving process," and even though I'm merely shifting my items a few feet away, I am leaving A LOT behind...like the temporary feeling you get when you're a VISTA, being able to holler out to students, "come on back!" and my very. first. 40/wk. nameplate bearing. office. That's a lot.

my old office

I was meeting with one of my students last week and when I told her that I was moving she asked if I was excited. I told her that I thought it was a good decision, but that I didn't really like change sometimes. She laughed and said, "that's ironic, because your whole job is about change."

I'm glad to have moments that forced me to physically interact with my things and my work and to really reflect on the going ons in my space and the positive change that took place. I'm hopeful and eager to see what stories my new space will live to tell.

my new space just waiting for you to come in and help me put all. my. crap. away.

INTERACT: How do you feel about moving?

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