Saturday, May 22, 2010

A living testimony!!!!!

Misha Mccoy... One of my bestest friends in the whole world! Yes folks she is very close and dear to my heart! I am so  pleased and blessed to say that she has recently recieved the FULL revelation of truth- and more recently recieved the revelation of hair! God is SO good! Holiness is still right, and it just feels good! Thank you Jesus for the liberty and the freedom. Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO! I am so excited to see what God is going to do in her and for how He is going to use her! I love you mish, and I am sooo proud of you!!!

Misha was actually the one who introduced me to natural hair before I was in full truth. I started transitioning to natural with twists and bantu knots (and knot outs). For some reason I wasn't into shaving off all the relaxed ends. I think a few times I trimmed some of them away BUT this was BEFORE I was in full truth. So once more, I don't support that either!! AS I have said before, there are many people who are into the big chop. I don't support nor do I agree with it one bit!! Whether or not its "good for your curls, couragous" or whatver, its just not the will of God. I have a picture of Misha after the big chop, but I decided not to show it because I don't want people getting the wrong idea. SO again, BIG CHOP NOT COOL! lol. Anyhow, Misha did the big chop. Well her hair began to grow just fine for a while... until her Psariosis started getting so bad that her hair began to fall out in chunks. It was shedding and just breaking off... Very sad story. But unfortuately there is always a price for sin. I know for me I had all kinds of things that were going wrong when I was in sin. My sis (Courtney) and I told Misha that if she lived for God that her hair would stop falling out and that God would heal her! It wasn't until we gave our lives to the Lord that things started to look up!

NOW that Misha has the revelation of hair, I am claiming that she will be healed!! In the name of Jesus! In my opinion I believe that her hair looks absolutely beautiful! She has the power of angels and she has a covering that God is pleased with. Sometimes we can get sooo caught up in how our hair looks to US but how does it look to GOD?? I have had several dreams with hair flowing past my ankles. The Lord was letting me to know that that is the way He sees my hair. Its not about length, its about obedience! Thank you Jesus!!! Obedience is better than sacrifice :)

So here are some before and after pictures of my beautiful friend Misha!!!!

hair, relaxed hair, damaged = false sense of happiness! Right Misha??

Absolutely glorious!!!

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