Saturday, July 10, 2010

Spa Day!

Okay so a lot of natural ladies are into doing spa days, special hair treatments and showing their hair some serious TLC. Well, hmmm.. it's not that I didn't want to do this. I just honestly didn't want to go through the hassle of blending things and mixing.. Yah I was thinking, NO THANKS. However, when you think about the long term effects of taking good care of your hair (especially some specific ladies who I know do this kind of stuff) it ends up being worth it. Everyone can afford to take out 4 hours of a selected day once a month! Its more so a matter of do you want to do that? Or perhaps, do you care enough? I fell into both categories not too long ago, so don't feel bad if I just described your thought process. But what if I could convince you that its not that hard and actually extremely relaxing, invigorating, exciting and it feels amazing??

That is the plan today :)

Step 1: Purchase and mix ingredients
Disclaimer: these are the products that I used. You can modify based on your hair needs and price range.

Apple Cider Vinegar - $4.99 for one gallon, this lasts a long time. I use it regularly and I bought it over 8 months ago. You will see in the picture of all of the ingredients how much I have left. Its a great buy :)

Aloe Vera Juice - $7.84 for a jug that contains120 ounces. This was a steal at Walmart. Judging by how much I used, I am sure it will last at least 6 months.

Coconut Milk - $1.40 for a can. The one I bought is A Taste of Thai Coconut Milk. It is unsweetened and it is from the first pressing of the coconut. Also this is all natural and gluten free. You can store the unused portions for up to 10 days in an airtight container that is airtight. In addition, you can also store it in the freezer for up to 3 months as well. SIFT OUT THE COCONUT BITS!!!!

Water - purified water is the only way to go ;) Stay away from that tap! Unless you're in the shower lol

Now to mix....
Imagine the container you are pouring the contents into is 10 parts.
(i just used a plastic mustard container, purchased at the dollar tree)
-5 parts water
-2 parts coco milk
-1 part aloe vera juice
-2 parts apple cider vinegar
Avocado: one avocado ($0.99) All you need is one!
Coconut Milk: Use the same can that you used for the conditioner. All the rest of the contents of the can will go into the conditioner mixture. Of course the length and thickness of your hair will be the ultimate determining factor of how much coconut milk you will need. If you don't need all of it, just put it into a sealed container and in the fridge. Be sure to date when you put it in the fridge as it must be used within 10 days! Its a great light conditioner with water :) So use just save it for your next wash!

Olive Oil: I used Pompeian Olive Oil ($3.00 give or take). I honestly don't remember how much I bought this one for lol. But I don't notice a difference in brand when it comes to using it in my hair. Virgin and Extra Virgin are both just fine
**My Special Invigorating ingredient**: Hollywood Beauty Tea Tree Oil ($2.50) I purchased this at Walmart. I was browsing the "ethnic" hair area (LOL) ... and I came across this little bottle. All you have to do is take one whiff and it will be no surprise what it can do for your scalp! Wonders ya'll!!!
Now to mix...
Add to blender
-entire avocado
-desired amount of coco milk
-2 teaspoons of olive oil
-5 drops of tea tree oil (optional)

I poured the contents into a Pyrex measuring cup. It was just under 2 cups!

Step 2: Pre-shower
There really isn't anything to do here. Unless you want to moisturize the day before or a few hours prior to the actual "spa experience". One quick pre shower is to rub olive oil on your ends before washing!

I went to the gym in the am. For a pre-moisturizing deal I put conditioner in my hair before working out. After working out we sat in the sauna. My hair felt so good after this.

The pictures aren't the best quality but it was very soft and moisturized prior to my shower!

Step 3: Wash and Apply Conditioner
Once in the shower, thoroughly saturate your hair with water. Apply the shampoo mix and rub through your hair with your finger tips. Pay close attention to massaging your scalp but don't forget the rest of the hair! Rinse thoroughly!

Then apply the conditioner very liberally while in the shower as it can get kind of messy! I recommend having a robe handy to throw on along with your shower cap (I used a plastic bag because my hair no longer fits in a normal size shower cap lol) AND a towel! This is drippy! lol

And this is ALL that I had left!
My hair is fully saturated in this goodness :)
Step 4: Deep condition
Apply your shower cap and let hair sit for at least 30 minutes. I left mine in for about an hour and a half. I have heard of some ladies leaving it in for up to 3 hours! So its all up to you and how much time you have! RELAX while its in. Sit under a dryer if you have one. If not put your feet in a foot bath or warm tub of water :) You deserve pampering every now and then :)
haha I look so serious! LOL

Step 5: Remove cap and rinse
So this is what it looked like after I removed my cap!
And these are the end results!! I can honestly say that my hair is SUPER soft!!It is also extremely moisturized. My scalp feels like when you brush your teeth and suck in cool air. Or when you eat a mint and drink ice cold water! You know that feeling? That's how my scalp feels! And BUMMER I should have drained out the coconut bits!!! DON'T FORGET TO SIFT OUT THOSE COCO BITS! LOL

There are a few pieces in my hair :)
They can be easily combed out when I detangle!
Totally ruined my pics tho! lol.


Saving One Nappy Head a Day

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