Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Scalp Experiment: Moisturizing

All winter because of the dry air if I do not moisturize my body properly or if I use a soap that is too strong my skin will start to feel tight, itchy, and a burning sensation all over. So I started to think....what if my scalp goes through the same thing as my skin?

-When my scalp is itchy I barely have flakes if I have any at all. So I assumed I didn't have a dandruff problem.

-I use the same shampoos and conditioners all year long but only itch during the winter season so I assumed it wasn't an allergic reaction to a product I was using.

-I don't do any weird treatments that would send my hair and scalp into a confused frenzy. And I only switch between two products at a time, just like I do in the summer.

So after days of going through process of elimination....my skin and hair started itching at the same time. A went to get the shea better for my skin, I glanced at the spray bottle of aloe vera....EUREKA! My scalp is just dry and when dry, it itches like my skin. Then I scratch like crazy and it gets sore.

To test my theory I have been moisturizing my scalp every other day with aloe vera....it has been working. To see if it was the aloe vera and not just a change in weather, I skipped a moisturizing session and the itching came back. I am convinced my scalp and skin just hate the cold as much as I do. Why oh why couldn't I figure this out about 3 months ago, LOL.

I also assume that the Castor oil wasn't making much of a difference with the itching because I was applying it to dry scalp - there wasn't any moisture to lock in. So now I oil after washing/co-washing and I have also added a midweek co-wash to my winter regimen. Although winter is near the end when as I make my discovery at least I will be ready for the next winter season.


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