Monday, August 27, 2007

WIP monday

First, a weekend update: I tried my hand at canning peaches! It was exciting and a little nerve wracking. I wanted to do it right, but there's so many things that can get messed up... you have to heat up the lids, but not too hot! and you can't allow any excess air at the top.... and if you don't do it all just right, the fruit could spoil. But it seems to have all gone well, and now I have four lovely jars of peaches to show for it! A few peaches came from the Ballard Farmers Market, but the lion's share came from my friend Jen's peach tree.
And now, a picture of the Finn doing a little Sun Salutation...

And now for the WIP:
1) Eric and I both knitted through a great documentary on Theodore Roosevelt....

(the wool is something I picked up from a craft store sale bin -- nothing terribly special, but I like the colorway, especially in this morning's early light)
2) My gift exchange gift for Lisa is getting it's finishing touches in the idea phase and will soon be moving into execution phase....

I have yet to come up with a good idea for my gift for OtherMatt... but it'll probably have something to do with his newly minted job: Park Ranger at Dinosaur National Monument near Vernal, Utah. Congratulations, Matt!

3) The Huge Log Cabin Quilt (HLCQ) is getting constant attention....

4) A bit more passively, I am collecting wine labels for a massive cork board project. If you've got 'em, I'll take 'em!

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