Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chronicles of a Natural Apostolic: DO NOT cut your hair, I repeat, PLEASE don't do it

Sometimes I tend to forget the many struggles I encountered when I was transitioning...

I remember being extremely discouraged and upset over my hair. I wanted my relaxer to grow out, I wanted natural hair, but all the while my hair was breaking and thinning. It seemed impossible that I would ever achieve the thick, healthy locs that I saw so many other naturals wearing. There were people close to me that went natural too, but none of them did a full transition without big chopping or trimming their hair. But every time I so much as thought to pick up the scissors it was as it something within me was screaming... Kendra please, DO NOT cut your hair, I repeat PLEASE don't do it!

First of all, it is a MYTH that your hair will not grow if you choose not to cut it or trim it. I am a living witness along with many other women. I did not cut my hair, I did not trim my hair, I left it alone and took care of it. Yes my hair went through a stage where it was very dry. Yes my hair went through a stage where it was breaking and thinning. Yes my hair went through a stage where I never thought it would be healthy again. But the storm is always worst before it is over. Look at my hair now. That is why, I am asking you, DO NOT cut your hair, I repeat PLEASE don't do it!

We have to learn to look at the BIGGER picture. If you are doing it just to do it, this message isn't for you. But if you are a

Holy Ghost Filled,
Tongue Talker,
Baptized in Jesus Name,
Living Holy and Separated from the World,

You cannot AFFORD to cut your hair. Is it worth losing the power of angels? Is it worth losing authority in prayer? Is it worth losing your identity as an apostolic woman? We are known for uncut hair because it is what the bible teaches. My sister in love Courtney told me a story about a lady in her church,

Her son was trying so hard Sunday after Sunday to get the Holy Ghost. For some reason he could not pray through. Finally one Sunday she took her hair and laid it on her son. She began to remind God of the power that she had because her hair was uncut, and you know what happened almost instantly? Her son received the Holy Ghost!!!
What is that was your son? Does God come on the scene immediately for you? Do you want him to?

I know personally of apostolic women who gave in and cut their hair. As a result, they were miserable, depressed and regreted ever going it. You undergo a major spiritual catastrophe by cutting your hair. You will not receive the same results in prayer. You will not have the same anointing you once possessed. Uncut hair is serious business. OH GOD give us revelation and understanding!
Sister, DO NOT cut your hair, I repeat PLEASE don't do it!

Consider this: why is it that when a woman backslides, the first thing she does is cut her hair?? The devil knows that we carry the glory of God upon our uncut hair. The devil knows that there is POWER in our hair. We have a distinct anointing when we have uncut hair. I remember the first time I walked into a Pentecostal church where the ladies had uncut hair, you could FEEL the difference in anointing on the women! There was something about them that was so beautiful, holy and radiant. They almost looked like angels to me (that is no exaggeration).

I remember my immediate thought was that I wanted to be like them. And now I am like them! I wouldn't trade it for the world and neither should you.

Its time to bring EVERY thought into captivity! God touch our minds and show us truth. We need revelation in these last days.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; "

 (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

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