Friday, October 17, 2008

WIP: cricket costume, 4

Costume completion! After sizing the smock on Zoe last night, I sewed hook and loop dots on the sides, stitched joints into and attached the legs, and sewed the wings on the back. Before coming down to Irvine, I stuffed the abdomen with a bit of polyfill at Eric's suggestion (spot on, Eric, thank you!). Here's the documentary picture of the completed project, the back of it, draped over the futon.....

Much as we adults might, Zoe does not love the costume. She seemed to enjoy the parts of it before they were all assembled. She grabbed the sparkly pipecleaners Emily got for antennae and took to holding them onto her head as "tenna", and she clasped the wings to herself and hopped around the living room for a bit. She even took the stuffed fabric tubes, held them next to her own legs, and then mama's legs and identified them as such, but when it was all together, she wanted not much to do with it. She seems semi-interested in it when it's on mama, who tried valiantly to convince Zoe to don the outfit at a playgroup halloween party today, but Zoe was more interested in going sans costume. She accepted the "tenna" though, which Emily wound into her pigtails. After the third or fourth try at getting Zoe to wear the costume, she was sufficiently distracted long enough to get used to it, and played on the wooden climbing structure long enough for a few photos. If I may say so myself, it's even cuter on her than I had even hoped.

edited to add a few more photos:

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