Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Second Job

  I am a full time working mom. I have a new job though. I am also a full time advocate for my child. I feel like I am constantly chasing down answers for E. The paperwork for E to the state and for programs like Beginnings somehow fell through the cracks. Fortunately, I took it upon myself to call and inquire as to why we had not yet been contacted. Thank goodness I did! Apparently, our paperwork got lost somewhere in fax land. I also have had to call the hospital and try to track down results for testing done three weeks ago. I have names and numbers scribbled all over the place. You know how it call person A who tells you to call person B who says they'll relay the information to person C and person C will tell person D to give you a call back. I cannot help but wonder about the children out there with parents that do not have the access or the knowledge to doggedly pursue the information. Is it supposed to be this frustrating? Is it supposed to be this much of a hassle? This is only the beginning!
   There are days that I just don't know how I am supposed to do it all. How am I supposed to be a great mom, a good employee, a loving wife, AND keep this house clean? Oh, and throw in there being some kind of private investigator / super sleuth tracking down everything my son needs! At the end of the day, when my sweet baby is snoozing peacefully in his crib, I sit down with my husband and silently dread the energy it is going to take to brush my teeth and change before climbing into the bed. What does that say? Seriously? I'm too tired to want to brush my teeth?! Don't worry, I still brush them :-)

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