Sunday, January 27, 2008

WitW: week 3

Morning Pages: better this week, I think I had five out of seven days. I had a litte realization about them today though. I work a regular 8:30-5:00 office schedule, and I drive a carpool with a schedule to match, so I have to get up earlier to do morning pages on weekdays. But on the weekends, I can do the morning pages at my leisure, so I'll take a shower, feed the dog, make some coffee and sit down with my notebook. But then I find myself getting frustrated with having to sit and write when I could be sewing, knitting or even doing more mundane activities like cleaning or filing the bills. Inevitably, I end up putting down my notebook (just for a second, I tell myself), getting a second cup of coffee, get distracted by something else, and the next thing I know, it's one o'clock in the afternoon and I notice my still open notebook in the living room, right where I left it, midsentence.

Furthermore, I don't think I've written an entire three pages since I started the morning pages, and I have a small notebook to boot. Some days, I write only a paragraph. I truly don't feel like I am holding back, hesitant to commit thoughts to paper, I just don't have much to say. I end up making lists, about what I am going to try to accomplish that day or that week (a useful exercise in itself, so I don't intend to stop), but I get the feeling that it's not the "brain dump" it's intended to be.

Based on what I've just written, it seems like I should be writing morning pages on the trials and frustrations of writing morning pages.

All that said, I do like the morning pages activity, and maybe it'll grow into something more theraputic than list-making, so I've decided that I'll keep on writing them, I just won't get hung up on how many pages I write, or how long it takes. I'll modify the excercise to make it work for me.

Artist's Date: Perhaps a sorry excuse for an Artist's Date (ok, ok, I forgot about it) but I did go skiing with Eric on Wednesday and I made sure to take a deep breath and appreciate the wonderful scenery and weather we were lucky enough to have.

Weekly Walk: I had a couple of walks this week, and I like taking the time to center and think about the activities to come. My grandfather-in-law slipped into a coma on Wednesday and died on Saturday, so my long walk this morning was focused on that (and how abnormally well behaved my dog was on the walk) and what it will bring over the next week.

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