Monday, February 4, 2008

Crafting Reusable Shopping bags & Free Giveaway

So since I've started "thirty things Thursday" I've had the opportunity to be stuck with the dilemma of what to do with all these t-shirts I have laying around. "To give away, or not to give away..." that is the question. And we all know what I do when I can't answer that question.... I CRAFT!!!!

So, I've solved a two fold delimma- I needed a reusable shopping bags for my groceries (for convienience, hipness, and comfort) and I needed to "keep" my t-shirts' memories alive. So I made shopping bags out of the t-shirts.

I brought one over to Lyndsy and Jonathan's super bowl Sunday as a gift for their new "greener" lifestyle. If you would like one of these bags for yourself, let me know. Great news!!! If you leave a comment to post, your name will go in a drawing for a FREE handmade "upcycled" t-shirt shopping bag!!! Just leave a comment (be sure to include your name) and you will be entered in the drawing for a free bag, made by me of course. Everyone loves free stuff.

Here's Lyndsy showing off her new bag. She's excited to save the environment from those pesky plastic bags. (possibly because this bag holds a lot of groceries, as you can see.)

Again the bag upclose:

Here's an upclose on the reinforced straps:

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