Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen, Let's Give it up for... LENT!

After reading my most recent post, you may be asking yourself, "Self, why hasn't Mel disclosed her own decision to give something up for lent."

And then you may have told yourself, "Self, you know how Mel is. She is so last minute- she probably hasn't even picked something."

And you know what- Yourself was right! HOWEVER- I just decided what I will be giving up for Lent: disposable coffee cups.

Now, the way I view Lent usually is I give up something that I want and then I set of some sort of spirtual response system that I experience when the desire for that "thing" hits. For example: If (I was crazy and) I gave up coffee, everytime the desire hit, I would meditate on scripture or prayer instead. Then, on Sunday's I would partake in the coffee as a reminder of God's glory and freedom.

However, disposable coffee cups are not something that I want to go out of my way to partake in, so I shall avoid them entirely over the Lenten season.

Here's what I will probably do: I will bring my own mug or ask for a "for here" mug (if available). If neither of these things are available, I will abstain from the coffee and reflect on our disposable society and thank God that she shows US more mercy than we show the rest of the world. (Hopefully the reuseable mugs will remind me to reflect on the above things OVER coffee as well.)

This is me RIGHT now at Common Grounds, a coffee spot right off campus:

Feel free to use the feedback link to post what you are planning to do during the Lenten season to become more disciplined and like Christ.

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