Wednesday, February 23, 2011

36 Weeks! Woot Woot!

I made it!  *HAPPY DANCE* Yes mam I did! I went to the doctor yesterday and got a great report! I'm medicine free, pump free, and just, well, free for the first time in months! All of these months of hard work and I have finally made it to the 36 week hump!!! 36 weeks and one day to be exact (that one day counts to me like a half year counts for a five year old). Yesterday on the way home from the doctor's office we stopped by the store and I got to look at baby things! Itty bitty tiny baby things! And I do believe that I finally feel some of that relieved excitement creeping over me! It's heavenly...I'm going to soak up every second of it until this baby is here in my arms (which the doctor thinks will be very soon) and the next time you hear from me there will be baby pictures to show! Itty bitty baby pictures! eek! xo, Sam

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