Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chemotherapy Day One

The day has finally arrived. I say finally. It has been a long journey for Erin in a very short space of time.

I thought that, rather than write my own wording to describe the start to the treatment, I would share my parents' words from Twitter since they are there with Erin and very eloquent (for messages of 140 characters or less especially - there's a knack to that many people haven't mastered).

From my dad, @SawdustBytes:

"Just visited with #4D who is having 1st chemo treatment today. Seemed to be in good spirits. She asked for and ate a bean burrito."

And from my mum, @SWMBO:

"Sat with #4 during chemo. 3 friends there as well, plus Elie Rose Turquette. When they left to do her shopping, it got very quiet."

"Darla has retentive brain. She will send everyone details of meds etc. Friends brought Erin 2nd bean burrito and she ate every bite."

"Farmersville benefit for Lisman's brought in enough $ to pay their insurance deductible. I love small towns."

And I have to add that I love that my mum uses Twitter! It didn't surprise me that my dad does, but it's great having daily contact with both my parents. How cool does that make them!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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