These are VERY real issues for some ladies. Not only is it frustrating but it can be extremely discouraging. No one wants to look in the mirror and see thinning edges and bald spots. Yet for some women this is a daily woe. I am sure it slowly wears at their self esteem. But help is on the way! I have done extensive research on this issue and I want to share what I have learned concerning this subject. Keep in mind that,
"You hair is one of the best indicators of your overall health"
Listed below are some tried and proven tips that will help:
- Do you see notable shedding or breakage for the first time ever? One of the most obvious solutions is to access the products you are using. A lot of times this is a result of a new product and your hairs reaction to this product. SO if there is a new product you just started using prior to the breakage, STOP using it. You could be experiencing an allergic reaction. For example, I am allergic to carrot oil- because I am allergic to carrots. So any small amount of carrot oil causes scabbing on my scalp. Return to your original regimen ASAP and refrain for using the new product. Everyone has a different hair type and different hair need.
- Are you noticing weakening strands and brittle/dry hair suddenly? One of the BEST things you can do to fight back is pick up a protein based conditioner! You can find them anywhere- or you can use mayonnaise. Sounds gross but its packed with protein. Protein rebuilds the bonds in your hair. This is very important to the strength of your hair. Another helpful tip is to pick up some apple cider vinegar, and do a rinse. Apple cider vinegar is very great because when diluted with water, it just about perfectly matches the natural acidity of your hair. Mix 4 parts apple cider vinegar with 6 parts water. White vinegar will do the trick as well, it just doesn't smell as pleasant. And you do not want to get that in your mouth either (i did that lol groooosssss). Another option is aloe vera juice. I find this helps to "quench my hairs thirst", if you will :)
- Do you see actual bald spots?? MASSAGE your scalp daily, especially the balding areas. You can be suffering from low blood circulation so you may need to manually stimulate your scalp. Using an essential oil to massage will be helpful. Such as, rosemary oil, jajoba or any other essential oil. Tea tree is also a great one.
- Are you a vegetarian? If you are it could be a vitamin deficiency. Healthy hair needs a sufficient amount of iron, zinc, protein, vitamin B6 and calcium. Again, be reminded that our hair is one of the best indicators of our health, if it is breaking, it could be informing you of a vitamin deficiency or even dehydration.
- Do you know your family history? It could be genetics or hormonal. It is common for women to lose hair as they age. Especially with the effects of menopause. What happens is that the hair gets stuck in the resting phase. If you read the post hair tip #8, about hair shedding, I explained how 90% of the hair is in a growth phase and 10% is in a resting phase. Well with some women as they age, the 10% grows and the resting phase doesn't return back to a growth phase. Therefore hair that is lost is not replaced.
- Are you stressed? STRESS! a HUGE cause for hair loss. Need I say more? If you are experiencing stress, you need to find ways to cope!! Prayer and the reading of God's word are best! Take a hot bath, if you are married ask your husband to help rub away some tension in your shoulders, write down the things that are bothering you and consider the worst case scenarios, then let it go, go for a jog, take an evening walk, etc. There are so many options. But above all else, trusting in God is the best way to relieve your stress! Its tried and proven over and over!
- Do you crave sugar, caffeine and junk food? Excess amount of coffee, dairy or high sugar drinks and foods can result in hair breakage, shedding and even balding. Ever heard the phrase, "you are what you eat"? Your hair is a reflection of the inside!
- WORST case scenario: In the worst case scenario, you may be suffering from Alopecia Aerata which is a disorder where the hair balds. Symptoms are: soft small patches (any shape) but normally round or balding, area may tingle or be slightly painful, exclamation point hair- when the hair gets thinner towards the root, rather than towards the end. In most cases, the hair grows back within several months to a year.
- In the past, have you put your hair through A LOT? It could be a result of previous trauma to the hair. If you didn't take care of your hair in the past, your hair could just now be responding to the trauma after a stage of shock. It will revive itself with proper techniques and maintenance.
- Do you constantly pull back your hair when wet? Edge breakage is often a result of pulling back hair when wet OR pulling hair back into tight pony tails, buns, etc. Take it easy and remember, LOW stress on those tresses. They need your tender love and care.
Celebrating glorious and strong locks <3
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