Saturday, October 2, 2010

Clarifications & Realness.

So it was brought to my attention by a dear sister that the phrase: Saving one nappy head a day could be easily taken out of context by many people. I am well aware of the connotations that the word contains. Its the stereotypical way that so many people describe black hair! Its terrible and it saddens me that our natural hair can carry a negative connotation. I want to publicly apologize if I have offended anyone in using this terminology. Please understand that I used this phrase simply because it was a HUGE deal for me to call my hair nappy with a smile and a good attitude!

 It was a HUGE deal for me to call my hair kinky, curly, thick, crazy, etc with a giddy smile! For me it was a way of getting over the complex that I had about my hair. I hope this makes sense. However, because it was brought to my attention that this could be taken the wrong way, I am no longer going to use this term. I was offered a suggestion that the word kinky  or some other word could be better. But I would hate to ever offend or hurt someone! You all are SO beautiful and this site is dedicated to YOU! This is my ministry to help my sisters in the Lord! So I have changed my phrase to:

Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair :)

With that said, I began to think of a few things today along the lines of this question:

What is better? Artificial or real?

Relaxer:  to treat (hair) chemically in order to relax curls.
Hence offering an artificial state of straight hair, therefore not real...

Make-up: what people put on their faces to enhance, recreate and restructure their faces.
 but it is make up. (no-pun intended, and no word play- its the name of the word! lol)
Hence offering an artificial state of facial structure, color and therefore fake.

Hair Dye: the act or process of changing the color of something.
Hence offering an artificial state of hair color other than the natural color...
Therefore un-natural.... or artificial

Cosmetics: Something superficial that is used to cover a deficiency or defect.
Hence offering an artificial state within or on a persons physical body.

Nail Polish: a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to
the nails to color them or make them shiny.
Hence offering an artificial color of the nails..

Acrylic Nails: nails, also known as fake nails, fashion nails, nail enhancements,
or nail extensions, are coverings placed over .
Hence offering an artificial nail.

Now I'm not "getting on" anyone. I'm simply proposing the question, artificial or real? I want to reiterate how beautiful and lovely you all are in your NATURAL and REAL state!! (aka- just the way God made you) God looks down on you as a perfect work! Did you know that God rejoices over you with singing?! He knows you, formed you and is proud of you JUST the way you are! No need to cover up the real with artificial :) Here's to being natural, real and glad about it!

"The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty;
he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love,
 he will joy over thee with singing."
 (Zeph. 3:17)

Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair :)

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