"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
(John 8:32)
These photos are alarming!!
hair loss, damage and breakage is a legitmate problem
in the black hair community.
The solution is not as difficult as it may seem. Allow me to hypothesise that the reason for a lack of solution, is due to ignorance, oblivion, failure to comply and sheer lack of knowledge. I am going to list typical things that black women do to their hair- along with the long term consequences. If you aren't ready for change, this may be a tough pill to swallow. But if some of those photos are not far from where your hair is headed, you may want to listen up...
Hair Weaves and Extentions:
"It gives my hair a break..."
"I want to switch it up... I like straight hair without hair damage..."
"It gives my hair a chance to breathe..."
Well what happens in the long run??
Relaxers and Perms:
"Its too much for me to have to wear natural hair..."
"No one likes all those naps and curls anyway..."
"Its too humid where I live... "
"Do you know how nappy my daughters hair is???"
"I like my hair to look done! And an afro don't count.."
"Don't no one need to dwell on African pride, we aren't in Africa. We are in America!"
Hmm... but in the long run?
(We ALL know that does NOT look healthy)....
Excessive heat:
"I prefer my hair straight..."
this is in reference to EXCESSIVE HEAT...
And in the long run...
Using "black/ethnic" products just because they're made for us...
Of course most of us don't realize who is really making these products.... and what the overall goal is.
"You don't know the way it makes my hair feel, it must be workin!!"
"My hair squeaks because it feels to clean."
"It SAID all organic on the label..."
In the long run...
____________(fill in the blanks)__________
- Rubber bands
- Rough combing
- Ripping out hair with brushes
- Harsh dealing with hair
- Products with mineral oil and petroleum
- Hair grease
- Excessive styling
- Packing on products
- Scrubbing scalp with nails
Do I need to post more pictures??
Celebrating happy, healthy and long hair :)
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