Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kendra is Back :)

I honestly didn't think that I was making much of an impact of many women regarding their hair and hair care. However, since I have ended the blog, I have gotten a notable amount of feedback via email!! So much so that I decided it is the thing to do to continue. Ladies I just want you to know that you are beautiful and I am here to help you, encourage you, and pray for you!

I am hoping this can become a forum of positive help and refuge. It is NOT easy being a black apostolic concerning our hair. Trust me, I have had my share of days where I just cried because I felt that my hair looked so different and so short. But thank GOD for a revelation and thank GOD for understanding :) My hair is my glory! I have authority! I have the power of angels! I have clout with God! Hallelujah!!

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)

We can only go as far as revelation will take us. So we have a LONG way to God! Heaven is the limit girls!

Its nice to be back :)

Wow folks, these are just a FEW of the many emails, comments, etc that I recieved regarding this blog! I am seriously blown away by the amount of response I have gotten! God bless you! So glad to be back!!

"I really love and appreciate your website. Just recently I attended a conference where Bro. Lee Stoneking was speaking. His message was coming from 1 Cor. 11:5 and he was speaking about how the woman's uncut hair being their glory - I was not raised in Pentecost/Apostolic; however, about three years ago the Lord led me to leave my former church which was is a prodominately black apostolic church which I was a part of for over fifteen years. I had never receive such teaching - and it just left me wondering why the black apostolic churches are not teaching this. I had to call my sister because she's been apostolic/pentecost longer than I have - but she's never receive the teaching. I currently wear my hair naturally and have done so off and on for years. I felt bad when Bro. Stoneking was teaching because I recall cutting my hair - but this was never taught in my former church. Then it also leaving me wondering why it is not being taught in the african/black churches. I'm just thanking and praising God for loving me enough to place me with a body of believer preaching and teaching the truth."...


"I checked out your black hair blog today, which I thought was really cool. I am apostolic african american young lady (21 ) myself and attend Oneness Rehoboth Apstolic Church in Mt. Vernon, NY pastored by Rev. Arthur Thomas. I just wanted to say thanks for taking a stand and helping others within the black apostolic community to treat and do styles with our hair. A lot of us aren't taken care of hair and it's not growing and it's falling out and we put weave in it to cover it up instead of taking care of our hair. God Bless you!"....


"Praise God for revelation and holiness! I am sooo glad that God gave me full truth on holiness (no matter how my family feels about it). It IS necessary that we look different from the world and I see that now because the world sees us differently when we make a change for holiness. This IS what it takes. Thank you for this post and I can't wait to see how God restores my covering."...


"That's really cool. No one understands, except for my girls at church of course why I don't want to "big chop". Glad I found your blog!"...


"I am sooo excited to find your blog! I am an Apostolic natural hair wife and mother of two from Chicago who likes (modest) fashion. I was baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost on October 7, 2001! I am in the process of starting a blog and can't wait to explore your's more. "...

"You go girl! I found your blog by just clicking around...it's about time someone made a blog like this! :) "


Saving one nappy head a day

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