My Esty Page
Yes, I'm wearing it, but the first one is MINE (a prototype)! These will be handmade to order, for $80.00 plus S/H. It took me five days to make the bracelet. It wore me out, considering I was starting a new job at the same time as learning a new skill (at my age). Seeing the finished product filled me with such a sense of accomplishment... completely gratifying. This is the first item on my Esty page. I still have 4 large link ($20) and 4 small link ($15) bracelets in stock on this blog (bracelet page, at the top of the blog), available for immediate shipping. Once they're gone, I'll only be making the Rearden bracelet out of niobium jump rings. I can't find that previous particular link anymore, and jump rings are immediately available, albeit a bit pricey. I wish it was Rearden Metal. Eventually, I will be a dotcom.
I'm going to learn a new weave in a couple of weeks. I want to master starting the Persian weave, which was next to impossible (FIVE HOURS). I had to really understand the pattern. It made no sense during those five hours, and then the next day, I just did what I understood it to be, and it was correct. That was a lightbulb moment of "letting go". I had faith that it would turn out, and it did. Stay tuned for more creations from Creative Magic.