Thursday, October 8, 2009

Okay, I'm sick of the hair debate... Chris Rock's "Good Hair" documentary.

My ranting thread on BHM today:
"I'm venting. I'm watching Chris Rock on Tyra. Okay, I'm getting sick of this "hair" debate (good/bad, long/short, kinky/straight). Chris Rock has gone on ALL the shows to promote his movie (I've seen him on Oprah (twice!), The View, The Monique Show, and The Tyra Show). I can't knock his grind/hustle, and maybe this subject needed to be brought to light...
I can't understand the power that people have given hair.
I can't understand how people who wear extensions say they feel ugly without them.
I can't understand how some people say they can't let their significant other see their "real" hair.
I can't understand the male mentality that values a woman's hair (length/texture) over her personality/heart. That seems pretty shallow to me.

There was a lady on Tyra that was scared to reveal her real hair to her husband. Tyra just said she didn't want one of her boyfriends to see her getting her weave done. Why not?

I'm standing by everything I'm saying here. I wear LFs to grow my hair out, but I wear my hair out too. My hair is short and curly (in my avi) right now. My man sees me with short hair, and with my LFs. He sees me putting my LF on and taking it off. He loves me with my hair anyway he sees it."

I'm sick of it! I know this is so ironic, since I have a blog titled "Magic Hair". The thing is, I'm not a slave to my hair. My hair doesn't dictate my life. I will swim, shower, workout, and whatever else I want to. Especially since I'm no longer using heat on my head, I feel free. So what if it rains? My hair loves water. My hair loves being short, and my hair is having fun growing longer everyday. I love that I comb my hair even less now, since it's curly. It's like the less I do to it, the better it performs. I was talking with my daughter (a hair professional), and I asked her if it's possible for black women to stop straightening their hair. Why have we come to associate nappy hair as bad hair? Even though I textlax my hair every 3-4 months, if not combed, it's as nappy as sheep wool. And during the time my LF is off, I don't comb my hair. I let it stay coily and springy and I love it. Lacefronts have strictly become a protective style for me. I don't pretend the hair is mine (that's grown out of my head), and if anyone asks me if it's a wig, I say that it is. Ain't no shame in my game. I'm just up in arms now that society has deemed nappy hair "bad hair". This ain't over... :-(

I do plan on going to see the movie though.

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