Monday, October 12, 2009

A Day in the District

So, since I don't have internet at home, I have been neglecting you- no more since my new friend Katie has both internet and giving spirit, which in her words- "knocks my socks off." Which brings me to the subject of this entry- my new friend Katie.

Katie is a Hall Director at TCU and we are on the Sophomore Transitions team here. One day as we were walking back to our offices after a meeting, she turned to me and said, "We are going to be girlfriends. I know that sounds creepy, but I need friends here." You know, I didn't think it was creepy, I thought it was AWESOME! So that weekend, we went to see FAME! at the Movie Tavern and then spent the next Saturday at Day in the District, a day when all the Fort Worth museums are free and ready to entertain.

It was a really fun day and it was really good to get to know a new friend and run into this guy (who wears a watch on his ankle, mind you) a couple of times. We went to all the museums, from the Cowgirl Museum to the Modern and saw some things we liked and some things that were kinda weird. Towards the end of the day, I convinced Katie to take some "senior pictures" by the Kimball Museum:

I remember when I took my "original" senior pictures, my moom had creased my jeans and I about DIED when I saw them and my aunt rescued me at the last monute by whipping out the iron and getting those creases out.

Glad to have a friend and a fun day taking advantage of some VISTA friendly activities!

INTERACT: Tell me about your senior pictures experience.

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