Saturday, September 6, 2008

worth a thousand words

Here are some pictures to wrap up the last few weeks....


We took a little hike around Mt Rainier at end of July...

the mountain was being coy for the camera...


a little snow on the trail still


The garden is winding down....

we got loads of sugar snap peas -- an instant favorite

the garlic is still curing -- a good haul

we've got enough hops for a batch or two of beer...
carrots are still coming in strong
And just last weekend, Eric and I built our cold frames for winter gardening
The tomatoes are still a work in progress, as we had a bout of cool and cloudy weather, stalling the ripening process. there are dozens of tomatoes on nine plants, but they're all still green. We've got our fingers crossed that the upcoming few days of warm weather will ripen them up. If not, do you have any good recipes for green tomatoes?

Our trip to California in August was great -- we went to the Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University....

detail from the front of Stanford's campus chapel

and Elizabeth & Marla's wedding was lovely and we were honored to be among their guests...

Congratulations, you two! We're so very happy for you and we wish you the very, very best!

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