As I am feeling a little "Stacy London" today, here is my little homage to the always entertaining before and after make-over shows. (aside: Who knew Stacy London has a Wikipedia page? I want a Wikipedia page! Nothing says "Nearly-accurate-pseudo-truth-errors-of-omission-don't-count-as-lies" like Wikipedia!)
"Darling! No! No no no! LOOK what you have done to the shape of your feet! Do you see that? All that extra POOF makes your legs look short and stubby. You're a purebred? Honey, with feet like that I wouldn't even call you a hybrid!*"
Yes, I realize that Gio's toe nails are too long. Dog toe nails should not be that long, so don't take that as an example of how to keep toe nails. His quicks grow insanely fast, and even with cutting his nails every 3 days, it is taking forever to get them back to where they should be.
In an unrelated story, rice crackers make Romeo turn into a savage beast.
One given a small taste of rice cracker, the beast within stirs ...
And before you know it, you have a full-fledged Werewolf on your hands!^
Gio, on the other hand, believes chewing is for losers.
"Chewing takes up precious swallowing time"
* Note, comments made in this blog post are for the purposes of entertainment only. I hold no dislike towards mixed breed dogs. It was a joke, just laugh already. As for "hybrids", you're not fooling anyone. Love your dog for that wonderful mutt that it is. You don't need a fancy name for the type of dog that you have. Your dog is special because you love it as much as you do. You don't need any more than that.
^ ETA: Concern has been expressed from "Grandma" about how I got Romeo to bare his teeth. That is actually how he chews rice crackers. I have never seen him chew anything else in that manner, but apparently the hard rice crackers require full gum exposure. So not to worry, wee Romeo was not tormented or manipulated in any way to get him to be vicious. Rather, I just had to find the right food and TA-DA "Insta-Beastie"!
Yes, I realize that Gio's toe nails are too long. Dog toe nails should not be that long, so don't take that as an example of how to keep toe nails. His quicks grow insanely fast, and even with cutting his nails every 3 days, it is taking forever to get them back to where they should be.
In an unrelated story, rice crackers make Romeo turn into a savage beast.
"Chewing takes up precious swallowing time"
* Note, comments made in this blog post are for the purposes of entertainment only. I hold no dislike towards mixed breed dogs. It was a joke, just laugh already. As for "hybrids", you're not fooling anyone. Love your dog for that wonderful mutt that it is. You don't need a fancy name for the type of dog that you have. Your dog is special because you love it as much as you do. You don't need any more than that.
^ ETA: Concern has been expressed from "Grandma" about how I got Romeo to bare his teeth. That is actually how he chews rice crackers. I have never seen him chew anything else in that manner, but apparently the hard rice crackers require full gum exposure. So not to worry, wee Romeo was not tormented or manipulated in any way to get him to be vicious. Rather, I just had to find the right food and TA-DA "Insta-Beastie"!
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