Friday, November 30, 2007

Mel is Getting Skinny

So, I went for a research study follow up and I was going to put a chart on here with all of my numbers, but I lost the paper that I wrote it on. So here goes: I now weigh 227.4. That is a 29 pound weight loss in 4 months!! That is like five of the beg ones below and 4 of the little ones. These are models of what 5 and 1 pounds of fat look like:

Sick! Well, that is all off of my body and now I'm moving closer to my goal of one hundred pounds in a year!!

Please pray for me as I continue my cardio and weight training 3 times and week and I stick to a low GI diet.

In other News:
my students, JT, and I will be going on the overnight hunger simulation tonight (see previous post on World Hunger Farm) so please continue to pray that we will be changed through this process. I rely on food for comfort, while others can't even rely on it for sustenance. That's almost sicker than the fat model.

Grace and PEACE

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