Tomorrow is Tim's seventh birthday. I still don't really know how he got to be seven, he's supposed to be three, but I won't dwell on that now. We told our little man that this year will be pretty low-key because mama can't do much and all of that. He agreed that it will be worth it to have a brother or sister be born near his birthday. Since the girl's birthdays in December Tim has had one request for his birthday, hot wings and cheese fries. Yep, the boy wants to eat hot wings and cheese fries until he is sick on his Birthday, and since we have a doctors appointment for mama and baby tomorrow that's cool with us. Ben and I planned to get the man some wings and cheese fries, go to the doctor, and head back home. Of course there would be a simple cake (by Betty Crocker) and the opening of gifts, but no banners or balloons or any of that stuff that mama usually does. Well those were our plans.
I think there are other plans being made though....What do you think? Ben and Tim were out splitting and stacking wood this afternoon when I heard a lot of moving going on in the kitchen, so I went to investigate. It looks like "the girls" (that's what Tim calls them all the time and I think it's so cute) have plans of their own for Tim's big day. I didn't ask any questions. I try not to be nosey when they have secret plans, I like to be surprised too. Molly told me that she made him a banner and the rest I just observed. The banner is made from construction paper, blue duct tape, and she used markers and crayons on the letters.
They dressed the table in a new tablecloth, runners, and gifts. I have no idea what the gifts are, where they came from, or when they wrapped them, I just know that they said that they have been waiting five days to give them to him. By this time my heart was just bursting at the seams! To see my girls excitedly running around working to set things up for Tim's big day, while he was out, so that he could have a special day like mama usually does it....ahhh...there are no words. You see, these are the kinds of things that I would have never seen were I not on bed rest. If I had done it all as usual I would have never got this little glimpse into the hearts of two sisters who truly wanted to make their brother's birthday special. It's just so precious.
Most days around here they are just like any other siblings, they fight, they play, they argue, and have to be *reminded* how to treat each other...about a hundred times a know, the normal brother sister stuff. They are best friends, play mates, and rivals all rolled into one. I'm proud of my girls today, and the little man that obviously deserves all of this attention. I just heard Molly tell him "Tim as soon as you wake up wake us up." He looked at her funny, because this kid NEVER asks anyone to wake her up, and said "Why Sis?" and she said "So that we can give you all of your prizes!"
(Yes Maddie was posing in those last two pictures, and I have no earthly idea what the child has on, once again, I don't ask.) I have no idea what tomorrow may bring with these silly kids and their plans, but I know whatever it is, it will be awesome! And I know that my little man will have a very special seventh birthday, even if mama wasn't the one to pull it off....and I wouldn't change that for anything! No matter how upside down and crazy my life gets God is always there to show me something beautiful.
I'll be back soon with a baby update, birthday update, and maybe some crochet! I hope that you find something beautiful today too! xo, Sam