To some it might look like a lions mane but to me it looks so beautiful!This confidence didn't come overnight though. It came from understanding the power that is behind my hair!
"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding." (Proverbs 3:13)
We have clout with God. We have favor with God. We have the opportunity at an experience with God that many women will never get to have simply through our obedience. We can touch God in a powerful way!
But understanding the true power in our hair goes beyond obedience.
It goes beyond not cutting, trimming, dying or altering it.
It goes beyond following what the pastor says about it.
And yes girls it goes beyond the biggest, curliest, up-do you can ever put together.
It goes beyond having the perfect headband.
It goes beyond all of that!!
It has to get in our hearts. It has to be a revelation!
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31:30)
Fearing the Lord is not a phase to indicate how afraid we are of God. The more appropriate synonym would be reverence! A woman who has reverence for the Lord... A woman who has adoration for the Lord... A woman who has respect for the Lord... A woman who shows honor toward the Lord.. THAT woman shall be blessed!
If we fear the Lord, we will obey His commandments as a cheerful disciple. Paul said, "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1) We follow our pastor and leadership because they follow Christ. We have faith in the man of God because He is accountable for our soul! What did Paul have to say to the women of the church of Corinth? He gave a simple commandment for them to have uncut hair. What did Paul have to say to those who disagreed? He stated that if any man seemed to be contentious that there was no such custom in any of the churches of God. Hence, we understand that this was a commandment for ALL of the churches of the living God!
Yet, just as I'm sure many women back then did, we tend to stop here. We say to ourselves that since our pastor told us and He said that God told us then we just do it. But we go day in and day out doing it out of habit and not out of revelation. And in essence, we are not doing it to Gods glory. This is how woman can easily become caught up in vanity and the beauty contest attitude. She becomes more concerned with the look of her hair. She is soon consumed in vanity and the devil has robbed her of ever truly understanding the reason WHY the man of God implemented this ordinance by way of God Himself!!
Let us change our thinking. Instead of thinking how you're going to "do" you hair, think about what you can do BECAUSE of your hair! We can get much accomplished in the kingdom of God! We have the power of angels!! We have the ability to touch God in prayer!! We have the ability to move heaven, to shake up our churches, to pray things into existence, to contend with God on behalf of our pastor, our church, our families and loved ones! We have the ability to store up memorial prayers with God! Hey it could be YOUR prayer God is waiting on to send revival to your city!
So ladies, let us grow in knowledge, faith, understanding and wisdom!!!
We have MUCH to accomplish!
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