Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday Style: BBA!

BBA = Big Beautiful Afro
I wore this style to the NC Natural Hair Care Expo, the Triangle Meet-up, and then the next day to church. So what you are seeing is Day 2 hair. I refreshed by spritzing with water and fluffing with my fingers.

Sunday's Message:
It's Time To Grow Up
1 Corinthians 3:1-2, 13:11
Just as babies are supposed to grow and develop, we as Christians should grow and develop. So we should experience two births -- physical birth and spiritual birth. Some people think they are spiritual grown because they have connections or can quote a scripture. Some churches are full of babies because they birth folks (spiritually) but don't help them grow.
To be the head of your house (men):
1. Be the prophet of your house - instruct your house by what "thus says the Lord"
2. Be the priest of your house - intercede for and make provisions for YOUR house (not the one down the street)
3. Be the king of your house - set the tone and rules
If you are going to grow up you need to:
1. Grow in knowledge - you can be educated and still be a fool (Hosea 4:6)
2. Know about the kingdom of God - 1 Cor 6:9-11
3. Know the Lord for yourself - not what someone told you, have a relationship with Him for yourself

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