My friend Marianne came and we discussed how this would be an AWFUL bridesmaid dress:
I decided I need a pair of boots.
I served a few meals to some older adults:
I got some ashes on my forehead at a service before work.
I stopped by Religious & Spiritual Life to ask them to redo my ashes so people would try to wipe the "dirt" off my face all day.
I contemplated my Lenten promise and felt guilty about not having one, so I avoided the blog.
I saw this:
I laughed.
I help build a house:
I worked late...A LOT (but with a friend).
I had a couple of scheduled coffee breaks when working late.
I participated in leading a webinar with my office.
I taught a class on gender & leadership and had students try on corsets.
I saw my boyfriend.
I hosted 135 high school students on campus and managed 135 college volunteers for Minority High School Conference/College Student for a Day
I thought about going to Chicago.
A week later I WENT to Chicago and saw my best friend.

I saw a college friend's band play at a bar and stayed up WAY too late.
I interviewed.
I blended in with a booth.

I missed my boyfriend.
I ate this:
I accidentally abstained from television.
I added the Grand stop on the L to the list of public places where I have changed clothes.
I rode the L to have dinner with some college friends-and had a great time.
I rode the L the next day to the same stop to see this guy and had an even greater time:

I said hello and goodbye to some good friends.
I did a Sic 'em.

I hung out with my Dean of students from college, made some new friends, and learned some things.
I said goodbye to my best friend..and to Chicago.

I got excited about Aldi opening up down the street.
I took some students on a spring break trip---to Ft. Worth!

I slept on a YMCA floor- or tried to at least.
I walked into a giant fountain and didn't get wet.

I hung out with refugee children, role played with social workers, served food at a shelter, played catch phrase with some great homeless guys, helped with a field day for adults with development delays, served some meals on wheels, ate some meals on wheels, talked about "the issues," reflected, learned, laughed...
And I bought this:
I got a new computer at work and moved my desk out from against the wall so I can be more creative.
I sat on a giant horned frog with my boss.
I snuck into work late and I snuck out early.
I stopped to smell the flowers.
Then I blogged about it.
INTERACT: Wanna know more about any of the above? Let me know in the comments.
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