Thursday, January 14, 2010

Combating Dry Hair

"Dry hair is hair that does not have enough moisture and oil to maintain its normal sheen and texture."
-Medline Plus
It seems like the biggest and most frustrating problem with hair problem is dryness. I base this assumption off of the fact that I get asked about this topic a lot.

External factors that contribute to dry hair:
  • Shampooing too often
  • Using a harsh shampoos
  • Environmental elements
Internal factors that can contribute to dry hair:
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Illness
Some suggested ways to combat dry hair include:
  • Shampoo your hair with care-don’t go overboard
  • Use a conditioner (deep, leave in, or a rinse out)
  • Trim frayed/split/knotted ends
  • Use a no heat styling methods
  • Protect your hair from the elements (weather)
  • Do hot Oil Treatments
Alternative methods:
  • Aromatherapy - add a combination of six drops of lavender, bay and sandalwood essential oils with six ounces of warm sesame or soy oils then apply the oil to the hair, wrap in towel for 15 minutes, then rinse
  • Food Therapy - Eat lots of food high in omega -3 fatty acids, such as fish. Add flaxseed oil to your diet; approximately two tablespoons a day added to popcorn or potatoes can replenish lost hair and skin oils.
  • Mayo - comb the mayonnaise through your damp hair, then wrap your head in a towel, let it penetrate for at least 20 minutes and then shampoo.

I personally prefer to combat dry hair by:
-Moisturizing and Sealing regularly
-Using a conditoner/water mix spritz on my hair
-Wearing hats when the air is dry
-Deep Conditioning Weekly
Treating dry hair was not an overnight process. It took a few weeks of me treating my hair with love. It has been well worth. I showed my hair love and my hair is loving me in return. Patience is a virtue

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