Install Alexa Widget.
I think it is the most important in improving the Alexa Rank, with Alexa widget installed on blogs or sites automatically count visitors aka blog / site will be recorded in the database Alexa. Do not be ashamed to install the widget, although the figure shows the million-million. Before I put Alexa widget on my website is still ranked 3 million. But a few days after I install the widget, rank up to 2 million more, so why should be ashamed if their aim is to put up good. Please download Alexa Widget HERE. The last update can I say that these tips also apply to the rankings ga 1 to 6 digits ... and maybe it was ga can be used again this tips.
Install Alexa toolbar.
For this one thing I could not agree to increase ALEXA ranking, but these tips will be very useful if you access the Internet from personal computers. By Alexa toolbar installed in your browser by a web page / blog as a homepage we will be very useful to improve the Alexa ranking. But if we put it in cafes or in the office that in fact any time in the fox homepage pages, of course, these tips will work ga. Then how to solve .... The best solution to overcome is to contact the owner or keeper in order to install Internet cafe Alexa toolbar on their internet cafe computer's browser and make the web address / blog page we become the default homepage on all computers, whether and how the compensation is still up. For information, that the Alexa toolbar for internet explorer and firefox modzilla different, please download the Alexa toolbar for Internet Explorer for Firefox HERE and please download HERE.
Post article on Alexa.
This point was also quite effective in my opinion to improve ALEXA RANKING, but if the reason these points could increase Alexa ranking Alexa noticed the article because we are so I do not agree. Helloooo .... gini day which had the Alexa notice every blog articles are the millions .. But I see the other side of this point, that the interests of bloggers to find out the latest tips on Alexa is very high, so if we raise the writing on the Alexa ranking is different from articles in other blogs, then of course our blog visitors will increase by the visitors who always wanted to know about how to increase Alexa ranking. Well this is where the why we can boost the ranking of Alexa with these tips.
Increase Online Web.
This point was also very influential to increase Alexa ranking. Since Alexa ranking is based on the visitors web / blog, the more visitors web / blog the Alexa ranking the better. How to increase blog visitors, I've discussed here, or that Jimmy discussed here. But I also want to add a few tips that I have not discussed in these pages. To increase visitors, daftarkanlah every blog article on the social bookmarking sites like digg, tachnoratti and others, is very effective tricks to attract visitors to the web / blog us. Now and then pull the visitors by writing about things that are warm discussion, and do not forget to always leave a trail (read: comment) on every blog you visit.
Redirect Redirect Url Blog by Alexa.
To this point I was obviously once again DO NOT AGREE DO NOT AGREE. Tips to say that we fill every comment on a blog that we visited, we use alexa redirect link with the form: I disagree. There are some losses that we actually get when we do that. First, if we use the Alexa redirect link then we ga Backlink count will increase (if the blog that you commented it adopted DoFollow) and the second worst is if we use the Alexa redirect is probably an error when link is clicked is extremely high. Even the last few days the link is still error redirect, so troublesome for would visit our blog.
Maybe that's all from me, there teman2 would add ...???
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