I seem to be neglecting my blog these days -something I don't actually want to do, but is difficult to avoid due to my boyfriend being here, my studies, work, and a couple of afternoon courses I am taking. In fact I just started taking a sewing course since learning how to operate my sewing machine, and sewing as well as I would like to is not something I found myself mastering as well enough. I'm extremely excited by that. And as for my blog, I'm going to try to be a bit better at that.
A couple of days ago we went for a walk in the windy air. I really like it when it's very windy apart from the fact that my hair gets too tangled.
Sweater from Cala, skirt from H&M, tights from Pierre Robert and shoes from Top Shop.
PS. Since many of you were wondering, the rose pattern on the muffins in the last post simply turn out that way since I've got rose patterned muffin molds. Very easy!
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