Thursday, August 13, 2009

Product Alert: Aussie Moist conditioner

Last night, me and my boo were at Target (he bought me earrings, how SWEET - I LOVE HIM!!), and I slipped some Aussie Moist conditioner into the cart. The big bottle was only $6.59 (or something like that). I have yet to use my products because I'm rocking the Mexico Rex Wavy Malaysian. A friend of mine from my forum is sending me her Mega-Tek. I think my natural hair may be long enough to braid next month... maybe not, but it feels that way. I'm really happy with this application this month, but I haven't taken any pictures of it. I thought I was going to phase out the lacefronts, but my boyfriend had a good thought: if you're not going to straighten my own hair, what would you do if you'd want to wear a straight style? He's so right. I love my straight malaysian (I miss the one I gave away). So, when I want to change it up, I'll pop on a lacefront. I think I may start applying the nape inside the hairline by parting it and putting it on the part line, so I can brush my own hair up over the lace. It will work.

I've started cutting a V into the nape because I've been studying women's natural nape hairlines. I pulled some of my curlies out of the V and I think it looks more natural. It dawned on me that a straight across hairline looks... weird.

I started a Facebook group (another reason for me to be on the computer all the goddamn time). As if I'm not apart of too many forums already. It's called, "Magic Hair"...

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