Thursday, January 22, 2009

22nd of January.

What I did today, in pictures.


I woke up, and had breakfast. Barley porridge with honey, strawberry jam and soya milk. I ate barley porridge when I was in Russia on a school exchange in 2001, but I didn't know what it was then, so when I 'discovered' it again last year, I was thrilled. It's the perfect thing to eat for breakfast, especially in the winter, since it fills you up and makes you warm inside.

Gave my dog a cuddle.

Then I did my make-up.
Lipstick and lipliner from Mac, dip eyeliner from Clinique, mascara from Maybelline, moisturizer from Ahava, and erase paste from Benefit.

This is what I wore. Black wool skirt, cherry top and hair band from H&M, tank underneath from American Apparel and tights from Cubus.

Then I made my way to uni, a 10-15 minute walk. You must think it's crazy how much snow there is here...

We were busy doing a project. In my group we were making a movie. It's a lot of fun.

Afterwards, I went to the gym. I hadn't been in so long, so it was really good going.

Then I came home, and made some dinner (quinoa with fried cauliflower, sugar snaps, potatoes, onion, garlic, chili, and carrot in tomato sauce. Delicious!) that I ate before going to work.

I've been working all evening and now I'm going to bed. Good night!

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