Sunday, October 14, 2007

autumn has arrived

Since I've moved to Seattle (the first place I've lived where I really noticed and appreciated true fall colors) I've felt compelled to try to capture the colors somehow. My photography skills just aren't up to the task, so I've started taking pictures of the other things that say autumn to me.
We awoke on Saturday morning to dense fog which condensed on the many, many, many spiderwebs we have around here. We explored a little in the morning by heading out to Mukilteo for breakfast, and stopped at Sky Nursery on the way home, where we loaded up on bulbs, cover crop seed and a couple of houseplants.
Soon I'll be putting bulbs in the ground: garlic and shallots, as well as tulips, narcissus, muscari, stargazer lilies and calla lilies. Eric planted some bearded iris recently that his mom sent us from San Diego -- they seem to be doing great in the dark soil and with the rain we had last week...

And the end of autumn brings a massive garden cleanout. The last haul brought in carrots, swiss chard, corn and a couple late tomatoes. We harvested some green beans and red onions for planting again next year.

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