Wednesday, August 2, 2006

First Da(y)te Nite

So, last nite was "date nite" w/ my new triangle of friends. We went to Rosa's Mexican for Taco Tuesday (2.99 for 3 taco dinner), then we went to the dollar theatre for half price nite. Jonathan paid. (big spender) We watched R.V., which was fairly decent. I laughed a few times and didn't feel a complete waste of time. Date Nite turned out to be an excellent idea.

Yesterday was my first official day on the job. It was a great day on the whole, except that I found out my boss's boss wants me to change my hair. My boss cried when she had to tell me.

I love Becky, my imediate supervisor! Everyone in my office is great, but Becky is who with which I will be working the closest. She is very interested in social justice and community reform, a point on which we bonded. She took me on a tour of Waco, which is the 16th poorest city in the U.S. I was fascinated to learn about all the initiatives she is taking in the area. I am looking forward to the next two years with her, because she talks about creative freedom and making me her right hand girl.

Today I was left alone in the office to find things on my own to do. This was hard at first but very liberating to realize that I have responsibility and control over decisions. This position will be very challenging at times, but I am excited to do it...and equally intimidated.

In the morning we are going to start our departmental retreat and I have to report on a couple chapters of a book. This should be fun, but I can't wait until I have my bearings on things.

Some closing reflections: Baylor is bigger than Union...obviously.

I cannot forget to skip my coffee in the morning.

I will never know everyone in Waco.

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