My cousin Laura is my hero. At age eight, she was diagnosed with Type 1 juvenile diabetes, and at age ten, she went into kidney failure while she was on vacation with her family. She was hospitalized for weeks and after she was released, she underwent months of dialysis. In July of 2005, she received a combination kidney/pancreas transplant—reversing her kidney failure and curing her diabetes all at once. She takes a mound of anti-rejection pills every day, but she is recovering wonderfully and has got her life back. She plays the piano (and the accordion!) and she loves to write and draw.
Why am I telling you this? Laura has never stopped thinking about those kids who still have diabetes, and has decided to participate in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation “Ride to Cure Diabetes”—a 250 member team who will bicycle up to 100 miles through the Santa Rosa area in northern California in June. She has her parents’ and doctor’s support for the ride and I am sure she will do wonderfully. She has to raise $4000 to participate. You can help by making a tax-deductible contribution in any amount and mail it to me (payable to JDRF, who you can check out at and I will make sure they get to Laura. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: XXX
ams19[AT]onemain[DOT]comXXX (do not include the X's -- just a little spam control). Laura and I thank you in advance.